Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

UK territory is not entirely accurate, but close enough

UK is england, scotland, wales and northern Ireland.

You have crown dependencies like Jersey and Isle of Man

You have UK overseas territories like Anguilla and Gibraltor and Falklands

Canada is a former UK overseas territory but does still have the King/Queen of England as head of state, as does countries like Australia I beleive


Shattering this mans reality

Wait what? Are you trying to say that hte King of England doesnt exist?


Now you are the one spewing misinformation

“The King of Canada rules Canada”
The King of Canada is King Charles Mk.3 lmao

I’m hoping Jh-7 cus we need something after the Q-5L, and it’s was mentioned in the leak list which this far has been very accurate. It’s just that there hasn’t been so much as a murmer about it and I really want China too grt a cool domestic jet before December. We’ve been eating some time for some decent CAS


Charles Mk.3 lmao, love that


King Charles GR.3


Rather get the King Charles FGR3 model, but Gr.3 is acceptable :P

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I’m not trying to say it, I’m simply stating facts.

This political discussion is off topic in any case because Gaijin is going to be adding whichever Commonwealth vehicles wherever it likes, but it’s insulting to Canada and Canadian to say that they’re a UK territory simply because you guys don’t know any better and refuse to educate yourselves.

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I wouldn’t be doing my duty as a scottish dude if I wasn’t being disrespectful to the monarchy lmao

That’s why we always love Scotts people xD

But…bro we literally just showed you evidence. Yes it sucks. Yes Canada is free to do its own thing - but they’re still owned by the UK. They’re a territory of England, ruled by the English monarchy, same as Scotland.
For any law to be passed, it still needs to be ascended through royalty to be put into law.

Love it or hate it - Canada, even if they have a heavily independant identity and these days, royalty is outdated – they’re still UK owned

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You are right, they can add any commonwealth nation to Britain they want.

But Canada and Australia are far far closer tied to Britain than either South Africa or India and many other commonwealth nations.

Canada is of perticular note as they are not only linked to Britain by the same royal family as head of state, but also are both part of NATO. Infact many RAF pilots do training in Canada and during WW2 many Canadians served as part of the British army and much was developed over there as well.

I’d advice educating yourself

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Obviously his argument is a bit silly, but I think the problem some people who’ve with the Commonwealth argument, is that for Nations like Canada and Australia, the fact that they are within the Commonwealth is almost 100% a symbolic thaing, of little significance too war thunder itself. Obviously it’s still something, but often these countries within the Commonwealth have much closer ties and relationships with Nations outside of the UK. India being a good example, as while it has had military connections with the UK in the past(Vickers tanks) it historically has enjoyed a much more lucrative relationship with the USSR. So when say, people use the Commonwealth as a reason too justify something like a T-90 going too the UK tech tree, it rubs a few people the wrong way

Pretty sure an indian T-90 going to the russian tree would rub a similar amount of people the wrong way. Would have been best to just not add an indian T-90

Agree completely. SA and India were bad fits for Britain, as they have little contact with the UK and I think both are planning on leaving the Commonwealth, but there are many reasons why canada being linked to Britain makes sense (see above). There is a lot of overlap still with out armed forces, especially with wise to the RAF and a long history of fighting together in conflicts. If any nations were a better fit than Canada or Australia for a British sub-tt I cant think of them

As long an Indian Rafale didn’t end for UK or Russia i’m all for in.,About%20The%20King,II%20on%208%20September%202022.

Excuse me, Brit here, we very much have a royal family and still have a King of England.

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That’s a weird way of saying “one year”