Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

The Yak-141 has a lot of systems that it never had in real life, so something not being used on an aircraft is not reason enough for something not to be added. Also, the South African Gripen never mounted BVR missiles.

I can’t imagine them being anything but a disaster. Either they’ll be too good like in WoWS or they’ll be completely worthless. Either way I think its development time that could be better spent elsewhere instead of adding a class that stayed away from naval battles for a reason.

Aye but CF-18 is already comparable to what we have ingame - F-16C

It also carries AIM-7s, so if ARH doesn’t come, it’s still a viable jet.
It’s the full package


Hawk is a subsonic aircraft.

with 9Ls only its closest comparison on the TT would be the Sea Harrier FRS1 at 10.7

If it had some form of BVR weapon it would likely be Skyflash DFs found on the FGR2 and only 2 of them iirc.

If the Tonrado F3, with a better radar, super sonic, more hardpoints and better/equal weapons is 11.3. Then the Hawk 200 would add best be 11.0

The problem with that is that it has nothing to do with the UK, whereas the JAS39D does. At the end of the day, however, we’ll just have to wait and see what Gaijin will do.

The Hawk 200 mounts AIM-9Ls, AMRAAMs and has an F-16 Radar
it’s 11.7 at least

The problem is, fighters with PD and SARH missiles are always 11.3+, for good reasons

Prehaps. But might also signal some much overdue naval improvements like map design to accomodate them though. Would also be interesting to see sub chasers mixed into the frey

The JA37C would like a word with you.

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It’s always a big one as we have new nations :)

That has a better PD radar than the FGR2 as well

Unless we get premiums for one this update, that’s a negative. However, I would very much like a new nation (cough Yugoslavia cough).

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I think id rather take one with Skyflash and sit a little lower

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There is still hope as Israel wasn’t shown in the teaser nor the dev server

Well, we do see alot of commonwealth influence on the tree already.
We’ve got Australian planes in our early air tree, we’ve got Canadian ADATS in our ground tree. It looks like Gaijin use Commonwealth to fill UK gaps when they cant find something good enough, which is what they released in a statement a while back.

CF-18 would be a good addition in that it’s operated by Canada - A commonwealth nation and who’s ruler is the King of England.
Canada is a UK territory, and so it wouldn’t be a stretch to give it to the UK tree.

The 39D, is more like a civilian aircraft imo

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Ah, the classic exception that every rule needs, fair, you got me there

That is true. If they do come, one of them may very well the first premium vehicle I buy with real money.

And thermals but yes i agree

It’s a trainer same as the C but un armed and double seating

I meant more in its day to day role. It looks more like it’s corporate owned, rather than a branch of the RAF