Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

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We’re moving fast on this, they’ve just added a " Torpedo Launch Max Depth " codeline, and made the USS Fletcher 's depth charge projectors autoloaded. The anniv is soon, the submarines w/ it !

Btw, here 's the Twitch Drops for the anniversary tourney streams ( [Esport] Anniversary Tournament Live Stream with Twitch Drops! - News - War Thunder )




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They said top tier aircraft, not fighter, and even if it was a fighter guaranteed, the Hawk 200 and Sea Harrier FA.2 are fighters too
That however doesnt solve the issue of the differences in tech used by france and the lack of AMRAAM platforms for japan
To solve that you would expect them to add a F-15, but that in turn means that AMRAAM (or equivalent BVRAAM) platforms like the Tornado, Sea Harrier, AV8B+, F-4F ICE and Mirage 2000 would get outperformed

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Do you think subs are looking likely?

They have been for awhile, what we’re getting now is a timeframe to start seeing them( 11th anniversary event ).

The Hawk 200 and Sea Harrier FA.2 would not be top fighters without AMRAAMs, and it was in response to the lack of competitive fighters at top tier Britain and Sweden, so they were talking about a fighter. Also, considering how much better the MICA EM is than even the AIM-120C, the Mirage 2000-5F would not underperform.

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If so then that will be our 8 harrier :(

Tragically, its clear they’ve been planned for a long time now.

8? I can only see 5 ingame, meaning the FA.2 would be the 6th

Would not be top tier, would be slower and barely more nimble than the Harrier 1s. It would be 10.7-11

AMRAAM only option for BVR. Aim-9L/M only would be 11-11.3

hedging my bets on a Canadian CF-18 as gap filler

I am still hoping for a JAS39D.

Ok 5 then

I’d find them quite fun I think. Quite enjoyed them in WoWs during open beta. Not played them since though. But in WT with more realisitc damage, could be fun. Though I’d fear them spawning on the surface and being immediately one shotted

Hawk 200 cant go below 11.3 due to radar and armament

Still, you get the problem, there are a bunch of factors that still need to be adressed before AMRAAMs/BVRAAMs get added

Eh, I don’t see it as likely. Gripen C from SAAF maybe, but the Gripen D from UK is a completely unarmed aircraft. It makes more sense to just select a combat capable vehicle from commonwealth than grab a foreign aircraft and give it a fictional loadout

4x 9Ls would be 10.7 along side FRS1
4x 9Ls and 2x Skyflash on a subsonic would be 11.0.

The December update is always a big one, so there’s no reason to believe all nations that don’t have one already won’t get an ARH platform next update.

Ah, forgot about you only playing sim, the spey phantoms are 11.3 in realistic

did the AH1 Z receive the hellfires K?