Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

As slanderous as it is, i’m probably one of the few who doesn’t really care about the f111. I want my vtol aim120 slinging cas machine.


does anyone care about the F-111A?

Well, it wouldnt be slinging aim120 anytime soon anyways

the only good thing this update is that the J35D now has custom loadouts


If Britian is unable to get anything competitive soon and isnt going to get any aircraft this update are you able to comment on any of these?

  1. Tornado IDS Missing Features:
  • Ground radar (Including full GMR) (this was rumoured at by Gunjob in the Tornado thread earlier in the year)
  • Chaff count (CM overhaul was hinted at by yourself several months ago)
  • ECM (such as Sky Shadow)
  • Missing loadout options (Cluster weapons, ARM, ASM, Paveway II)
  • Missing cockpit HUD symbology and functionality
  • Modified 9L rails for the Gr1

(not asking for all of these, but even just 1 or 2 would be great)

  1. Tornado F3 and Sea Harrier FRS1 placeholder Cockpit HUDs being replaced

  2. Harrier Gr7 MAWS

  3. Red Top overhaul (rumoured at in the British weapons thread months ago by Gunjob) which would include much needed fixes and the 4 or so outstanding bug reports

  4. SRAAM Overhaul (rumoured at in the British weapons thread months ago by Gunjob) which would include much needed fixes and the 4 or so outstanding bug reports

  5. TIALD and general Tpod improvements

There are also changes outside of the British TT

  1. CCRP functionality and interface overhaul

  2. CCRP for GBUs

  3. Improved Ripple modes

(7 & 9 would be quite impactful for the F-111)

  1. Improvements and general TLC for SB

These are the top 10 additions that come to mind, would each be in their own right, be big and impactful additions without actually adding anything “new” to the TT.`


Aim120 is like a month and a half away? How impatient are you people?

Is a shame as the Black hawk and Sea hawk are really nice lookin but it’s what it’s

Even if AMRAAMs were to be added in december, I dont think a 11.7 plane would be getting access to them

what abour F4F ICE?

Make it 12.0 or 12.3 then.

F-4F ICE wouldnt be 11.7 if it was added

Speaking if the black hawk I guess Israel and the UK might get them

true 11.3 fits much better

SH-60K can use Hellfires


true, lets let 10.3 planes meet AMRAAMs

Mind you the SH-60Ks can use 2 hellfires…but at the same time it’s just 2 hellfires…

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I advise you to compare the quality of the Lighting II thermal imagers from Tornado IDS ASSTA I and compare it with F16C and AV8B+

AMRAAM B while pretty much everything else will get C or C4/5 even to be competitive with R-77 and PL12 and those we need for everyone to get Fox 3

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its almost like AMRAAMs arent that great of an idea when nations like germany, italy or britain cant get competitive platforms

Yeah maybe Israel will get them if they’re armed with missiles. Britain doesn’t use Black Hawks though.

Could be interesting if it can carry other stuff too simultaneously?