Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I thought it was just USA?


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So then Argentina is our next new nation :)

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In the files the max range is stated to be 70 km, which is more in line with the AM39, with the MM38 being only 42 km.

early variants of MM 40 can reach 72km. Either way, there’s something wrong with the name, and I’d not be surprised if that thing was intended for etendard

i would not use gaijin balance to know wich variant is coming. They probably put number as wish.

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Any file indication of a JH7?

Sad gaijin don’t care.

Even the Amx30Brennus ERA should resist against 100mm KE, still nothing and perhaps never…

Germany already has more than one car of Argentina

so, I’ve sipped my coffee now, didn’t calm tho

has there been anything interesting new since the Russian Stream ended?

Well that Argentinian plane has been sat in the files for years now and it’s the prime time to add it since they changed the BR. :)


Wait a minute… WHERE’S MY U.S. AV8B+ SNAIL?


You had the F-16C last update and the F-111 this one you don’t need it

Instead of a stub for Germany, it would be possible to add the M109A3G or this Argentine-based TAM


Sad ending :[

you are getting the f-111, thats enough

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Lies. Slander. Libel. I need it.

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you will get carpet bomb with snakeeyes from orbit

But Germany has so much Artillery. 2S3M, 2S1, Sp-70, PzH-2000 and so many more that I’m too lazy to list.




The japanese UH-60J and UH-60JA were never armed as those were just search and rescue and utility versions, However the SH-60J and the Later K and L versions were armed with torpedoes as those were anti-submarine patrol versions.

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Oh lame, so I guess that means we won’t see Japanese Black Hawks.