Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

It would seem like it. F-4J(UnK) is a junk after all


oh for frick sake, just make an exception to the Rooikat HVM, just once, there is no reason to kill it every update.

Turret is a mockup, so take a big L (i cant change size on mobile)

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@Smin1080p Is there a possibility of adding Hungarian aviation for the Italian tree in the next dev server or the next major update?

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I just love how the F-4J(UK) is a downgrade to the regular F-4J, while the F-4S is a straight upgrade, all at the same BR

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Is there more for Britian this update at least?

Yes this is a must as well !

At least 9-12 and 9-13 should give historically correct armament. And the MiG-29G should be fixed only after they will get suitable aircraft.

Doesn’t seems so, cause gaijin ignore potential vehicles to be added.

We don’t have any plans for Hungarian aviation this major update.


Imagine if the only top tier aircraft the soviets had was the Mig 23 MLD.

The Devs finally confirmed that after 2 years of Mig23 MLD Vs F16 that you were getting a new top tier aircraft

And then they turned around and went "JK, it’s not this update it’s next update and all you are getting is a North Korean Mig or Indian mirage.

Would you be totally silent about? Or would you be a little pissed.


strange thing about this Exocet;

MM = Ship launched
SM= Submarine launched
AM = Air launched

So this mean an exocet from a French ship, but we don’t have that for now still (perhaps coastal coming ?)
There is saddly already ships ingame that could hold the exocet, but not in the French TT. (i really hope Germany not gonna have exocet before us or we gonna riot)

So i guess it’s an error and it should be AM38, from Super Etendard and perhaps other planes.

Why do you want the german MiG-29s to be nerfed tho?

I mean it is a ship a plane and a rank for UK all in one update, so you will have to get off your hype horse and dive into a deep mud pile that reality is

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Arr come on there is room for it.

Pretty much everything is there for it

It’s honestly insulting. GJN is basically saying they value the money of US players more than UK players when they have those two jets at the same BR as premiums. If those two jets were normal jets within the British tech tree, they would be at least 0.6 BR apart.

The budget for the british tree has been exhausted, no more british vehicles for a whole year

Nah, one promise plane and then

I want them to have historical weapons. I request the same fix for the Soviet MiG-29 9-13. Remove R-27ER and add them R-73.

Ah, right