Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

@Smin1080p probably the question on a vast majority of peoples minds - Besides the Battle pass plane, the Vickers, m109 and ships, is there anything coming this update for UK we haven’t seen?

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Seems that way yes.

I’ve heard that it has sea-skimming capability ingame, unlike the AS.34 Kormoran. But I don’t understand it 's code enough to be able to confirm or explain that.

Leave poor smin alone, there is little he can talk about without risking his position
Also you forgot the bp ship

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Confirmation of “more to come” isnt job ending lmao

So you want the Barak II and F-16C to lose their sparrows as well? And more so, for the F-16C to have an AESA radar?
Sure sounds like a great balancing approach

Why don’t we also get rid of the Yak-141 and F-16AJ as well, while we are at it?

Can you be so sure?

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For real, I can’t recall the last time Smin was able to deliver good news about the British TT as a community manager

Like real, tangible good news, not crap like ‘soon’ or ‘planned for the future’


Take it easy.

Don’t forget the Kikka, Ho 229 and the R2Y2 ect

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Ok i think its time to end this, as UK is taking over once again and there will be another lockdown

More light coming and a top tier jet for this year.

I mean, that’s not a lot, but that’s better than some other nation. For France all we have is “sure, other things are in the work”.

Technically, him telling us there is no top tier jet coming for the UK this patch is good news, because it means we won’t be disappointed this patch. Instead we’ll be disappointed the patch after.

Glass half full, you know.


Leave my flying wing alone

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This is why I want to know if all we’re getting is what we’re seen. No disappointment that way for final release

But look how neglected they’ve let the British TT become just to get these empty responses

I’m not saying France doesn’t deserve some love though ❤️

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Just take the mindset that you were forced to take for the past few years (i will get nothing noteworthy this patch) and be happy when you get things. Thats what i did

That’s not even mentioning it’s SB BR where the F4JUK is at 11.3 Vs the FGR2 BR 10.7

Is better radar realy making it 11.3 in sim. God thats awful

The F-4J(UK) surely is a plane of all time

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It has a better radar? I thought the only difference was worse engines?

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