Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Smin has repeatedly said a british to tier fighter is coming in the Christmas update, implied to be a gripen. Im not even sure what you guys are so mad about. Is it because two extra months is too much waiting for you?

Dunno about the others, but finally getting a new unique airframe, but having it be the Strikemaster feels like a punch in the balls
Especially when the US are getting yet another poster child jet

No he said new top tier aircraft not a fighter


And that is a fact. It can be a fighter, it can be a strike aircraft. Duh it can be a heli

Now that would be the most gaijin move ever
New top tier aircraft for britain: Westland Wildcat


Absolutely nothing has been implied regarding Britain’s next addition, in fact they have been nothing but vague

Edit: Smin never even said Christmas update, always ‘this year’ then waited till today to say it wouldn’t be this update

You know that is not so far fetched, we talk about UK in this game


so. only a downgraded BMP-1 for sweden. what. height of lazyness. why gaijin.

Well, with a bunch of Martlets it would be our own AA heli

This vehicle wont be coming to the game. We confirmed this some time ago.

No F-111 is currently planned for the UK.


So no UK varks, not yet at least :/

Just more boring and out of date Tornados and Harriers : (

@Smin1080p What is the plan for Britains next aircraft? What nation is it coming from and is it going to fill the gap for fighters

All top tier aircraft carry advanced radar and missiles anyway

Hawk 200 or, if AMRAAMs appear at the same time, Sea Harrier FA.2

When we have details to announce on that, we will. As we have already said, one is coming. However its not this update.


The only aircraft I can see Britain getting would be either the tornado gr4 are an Aussie CF18 ??

Temper your expectations.

You know that UK top tier fighters are F3 and technically 2 spey phantoms. And they are far from advanced

Lets just say that USA gets the F18, would there be any chance that the CF-18 would come? British tree or not

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