Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Player feedback comes during the dev servers and the disappointment is usually a feeling of betrayal after a vehicle shown to be in developement is cancelled.

the Mig 29G should have its R27ER/ETs removed. The only reason Germany got ERs was because only the Normal R27s with R60s would kinda suck but since they now got R73s they should atleast be removed from the G


If they are not shown yet smin will not tell you about them


The community was pretty unanimous about the economy and BR stuff, vehicle addition feedback would be mostly: GIVE F-15/F/A-18/SU-27 and DON’T GIVE BRITAIN/WHOEVER F-111/CF-18, etc

when bosnian leopard A1A1?

I just don’t get that we have all the rights to the F-111K as the Americans have

When Yugoslavia is added :)

Don’t ask me, I cannot fathom what goes on in a US mains head

That sentence rings a red lamp in my head

Guy…have you seem the effect that discarding sabot have on auto-canons with APFSDS? You made them a deadly buck shot shotgun of them.

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I honestly am not bothered what other nations receive as long as they don’t neglect the others

They’ve shown willing to help Japan through a rut with the F16AJ, why is the same treatment for Britain such a taboo


Germany never used R27ERs and R27ETs

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now they just triple the damage of apfsds against soft tagets at short range

Again, I don’t know.
Somehow any sensible solution that comes to mind is wrong to either the devs or a large part of the community…
Britain can’t become a commonwealth tree
Britain can’t get the EAP or the Hawker HS1200
Britain shouldn’t get CF-18/Aussie F/A-18 etc
Britain shouldn’t get a Gripen or proposed acquisitions like the F-15

But on the other hand, AMRAAM Tornado, Sea Harrier FA.2 and Hawk 200 aren’t quite enough to keep britain on the same level as other nations


Thats a Leopard 1A5DK, Danish and based on the Leopard 1A3.
Its neither Bosnian nor an A1A1

Are we getting submarines?? I love you gaijin.

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Eh, we already had a submarine event mode before
Maybe we’ll get them someday, but I doubt that’s gonna be anytime soon

I’d certainly like seeing britains helicopters getting torpedoes and depth charges in response to subs being added

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damn i tought it was bosnian