Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

So apparently the Umkhonto missile has a few variants that could go on ZA-HVM:
Block 1 -
Maximum Range: 15km (9.3mi) - 20km (12.4mi)
Maximum Ceiling: 8km (4.9mi)
Maximum Speed: Mach 2 (2,450kmh/1,522mph)
IR Guidance
Block 2 -
Maximum Range: 35km (21.7mi)
Maximum Ceiling: 12km (7.4mi)
Maximum Speed: Mach 2 (2,450kmh/1,522mph)
IR Guidance
Maximum Range : 60km+ (37.2mi+)
Maximum Ceiling : 15km (9.3mi)
Maximum Speed: Mach 2
ARH Guidance
Block 2ER
Maximum Range: 35km (21.7mi)
Maximum Ceiling: 12km (7.4mi)
Maximum Speed: Mach 2 (2,450kmh/1,522mph)
IR Guidance

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The gripen was mentioned by a tech moderator to be planned for this year, thats why they “know” about the gripen coming

Cool, doesn’t answer the question

Yea it’s just getting boring and samey with just Tornado’s and Harriers while everyone else get’s the next big thing


The Moderator and several employees have confirmed this to be an accurate statement.

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Well, if the tech moderator didnt mention the gripen being planned they would have to speculate just as much as we do for the british tree

But the reality is that we know

Every time they mention it, it’s always ‘top tier jet’ or ‘top tier aircraft’

Hardly makes me confident they will introduce a fighter

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What will you do with the supposed information, then? It does no good for the swedish mains to know about the gripen. it may not even come.

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They’ve said multiple times it’s coming this year

And game development can take twists and turns

Yes, and plans change- often. Knowing something is planned is only a vector for dissapointment. That is why gaijin doesn’t tell anyone what they plan.

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Yea like you said top tier can be anything like another Tornado or a Harrier.
Doesn’t mean we will get a fighter though if we have the T-90S.
I suppose there no argument against us to get the 29K as it’s from a commonwealth nation that will fill up some holes.

Well considering how there are still a few things on the leak list that haven’t been shown yet like the A-6E SWIPE, A4E, and JH-7, I’d say that probably what we might see sooner than later with any hope


So you think leaving a nation without a fighter for 5 years is a good thing ?


They’ve already spoken about plans to add a plane, so the vector for disappointment already exists

If we know what’s coming then we could have… IDK player feedback?

The feedback won’t be very helpful when it comes to new vehicles, especially when it comes to import/export vehicles

My own feedback would have been: Why are we even entering 4th gen jets if it is almost impossible to balance the planes that have been built by the nations we have ingame due to wildly different performances and weapons used

I want my bomber mossie soo bad

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@Smin1080p Are there some other vehicles in the update but doesn’t show in the dev live and dev server?

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I’d say gaijin have been fairly receptive if feedback thus far, why stop at the economy?