Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

My best guesses for what’s in store for UK is:
Tornado CSP (Bleh…)
Sea Harrier FA.2 (Not so bleh but not great)
CF-18 (Would be just like F-16)
Gripen C (South Africas first notable entry in the air line)
Harrier Gr.9a (I would be so disappointed honestly - We dont need another strike plane)
Jaguar Gr.3a (Not bad, but two missiles max? rough.)

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This is vismod for the movie Transformers 😑

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well, following the strikemaster logic, the CF-18 and Gripen C are not an option


Did we see already everything? I know that sometimes there are late additions but the next patch is soon and there is not much time for a long dev server

Looks real enough to be added imo.

They stressed quiet alot on stream there a ton of more stuff is yet to be shown


Gib a4m.


Really? Couldn’t watch them I had a discussion with my prof about a math problem

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Clearly they were on about a new nation here lol

/s /j

Nah, clearly the 3 German Tanks


Possibly Rooikat HVM coming
Anyone got info on its missiles? they aren’t FNF are they?

Could be subs as there going to be one on the 11th anniversary event

I think Strikemaster is the exception not the rule. UK never operated M113 Adats either

Iirc it was planned to use the umkhonto missile which was a IR missile with 20km for base version

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But the SA is a sub tree of Britain

I’m getting the feeling the only rule at this point is that there are no consistent rules


That would be amazing…

(because it would reopen the door for certain “controversial” vehicles)

Yeah, except those only go to the US and USSR

@Smin1080p why is it that Swedish TT players can know the Gripen is coming but British TT players have to speculate on what the ‘top tier jet’ will be?

After years of neglect can you tell us the direction you’re going with it, or at the very least the nation is coming from