Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Weeeelp, time to beg for type 93 on the 9.3 type 16s


Basically im asking if theres a way that aircraft lainched anti-ship and cruise missiles can be used in ground RB

At the same 8.7BR you have the Amx 30 Brennus with no stab and only 10mm more pen…


Im comparing it to the things in uk tree, france is a league on its own

204mm @ 60 at 8.7 is extremely good for the tier, quit crying, not everything can have the pen of a PTZ89

i am well aware of that but the fact it turns into the brick that it is seems highly unrealistic. not only that but its still missing a large amount of AoA.

also @Kingtiez in dev server it now has 30 minutes of fuel max so, it seems they have done something with it. yet to find out what though

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can we see z-20 its chines uh-60


But I still want JH-7


nvm its a bug. looking at the file…
they made it heavier

me to china need cas realy


Will the US be getting another top tier air in the final update of the year?

If so, im assuming it will be an f18, idk might be wrong

I haven’t seen the Russian dev stream, but are there really no new top tier battleships yet? What was even the point of adding Rank VI if they weren’t going to add anything new for… at least 3 patches?

Most likely either F/A 18 or F 15 alongside the Gripen and others

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Really, cause what im thinking is if the f18 gets added to UK and US than Sweden will prob get the finnish one?

Selling tier V with tier VI price of course.

Silly you~

Wonder why. maybe it’s because of more fuel

The Gripen was confirmed for this year so must be coming in december

US cant get anything too advanced as Smin said Typhoon is still far away so most likely either F15 to USA, Israel and Japan or F/A 18 to USA and Sweden with the CF-18 going to UK


No drone or TVD either. It’s another DOA vehicle

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