Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

F-104J getting 6 missiles?

ROC F-104G still 10.7 w/ rear aspect. Big sad

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Not that big of a submarine gun 😭

It "s the 75mm/35cal mle.1925 used on the 600-serie

Yup that was unexpected but nice

Do you mean shooting from a ground vehicle, or using it to aim at a target on the ground?

Look how they massacred my boy



I’m not hienapunk, but I think they meant if you can lock them on ground targets.

im guessing the 29SMT is going to keep its scuffed flight model?

In this case, I think not.

I’ve read that some could have GPS guidance and therefore technically be used on the ground, but I don’t think that would work in war thunder.

Yes but does that really make a difference in game?

180 degrees of travel makes you invisible to enemy PD while still tracking your target which is nice

Bit lackluster on the air front, only 2 aircraft and one is a reskin of an existing model, would have loved to see something for england or CN

Yeah, well, I’d still pick 9.12’s FM over that feature any day.

So, the F-16C hud said ARM. Isn’t that Active Radar Missile? Like the 120 or something?

its ARM like weapons armed


Hopefully not

Gotcha. Because I know most HUDs will tell you what weapon is selected and the arming of the missile is normally on the dash or done by tone. Not so sure about F-16 though, so I appreciate the response

It’s a heavier aircraft than the 9.13. Its flight model represents that and as such does not handle as well as its earlier model. The Fulcrum C or SMT had a lot of other systems put on it for ground attack capability.

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I know im late, but cmon

So a Vickers mk 11 is a worse Rooikat MTTD :/



M60A1 NEEDS M774 and TTS NEEDS M833 at least