Oooh subs that’s interesting
I am happy with this update vehicles but now Zerstörer 45 QwQ
Yep, ASRAAM have already been denied
The problem is that one 12.7s come the tornado is gonna be pushed into downtiers and will become powerful
Honestly, I hoped F-111 would come in a later variant with guided munitions and so on.
Pretty much a gap fillers paradise update, rather underwhelming and the only time my heart skipped a beat during dev stream was when Mike baited Yamato is coming to WT.
The only plus is MiG-29G, which will basically be the best MiG-29 in game, armed with all the good stuff but with 9.12 flight characteristics.
BRO PLEASE that was my pfp until we got the great wipe of zero unique pfp and zero reasons why…
This is my servers pfp from that great day
Really? I guess they would’ve been pretty game breaking.
Birthday of the project?
Seems that way, I trust all Olivia’s leaks so yeah
dev server is now accessible yay
Exocet ? Ohohhh~
Anyone got any bets on what the vehicles we can get from the anniversary will be?
Obviously it will be less special than last year but still
This is going to make me cry tears of joy at work
I hope they are not gonna forgot that France also have a big number of sub, from ww1 to ww2 and modern, with the biggest war sub in the world till 1942
The radar is still the 9.12a one tho. Its not the zuhk like smt.
This means f4f ice in december as expected.
They added a French submarine 's gun to the files during La Royale, so I think they are aware. Probably.
Ooooh didn’t know that.
Now i’m dreaming
Is there any way to use exocets and whatnot in ground RB? Or do they need a radar lock to function?