Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yep, that at this stage is the most likely option out of them all. Would only be viable with ASRAAM but that would be “unfair” on other nations

im more hyped with the type 81C tbh it looks like a fun vehicle

Didn’t britian get the Skink and ADATS?

There’s precedent for the CF-18 then. Or the SA Gripen if they wanna go that route.

Hunt class DD , “La Combattante”, similar to the HMS Calpe or Brissenden, dunno wich one gonna be ours.

Just hope we get even a Sea harrier or hawk 200 that can hold its own in a dogfight for more than 3 seconds

Might even take some hopium and aim for a CF-18

Hunt type 3 DD
Probably La Combattante

Dev 7.1GB


Object 775 leak


SA Gripen was only armed with IRIS-T

More likely Gripen D RAF trainer

CF-18 is an option

But niether are technically British. Could also be something from India, but if that happens Im demnading a refund.

Hopefully but recently the additions have been pointing more towards the Sea Harrier with Amraams, and theres no indication that F/A 18s are on the way soon

I want to see this new object 775 near the ELC BIS.

it has only 2 crewmembers lol

Highly doubt that the Rooikat ZA HVM is coming. Was denied back when the SA tree was first coming out as it was only a mock-up turret

Elc bis, L6, ASU57,M22, Obj 775 competing over midget tank nickname

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vickers mbt mk 2 wasnt there

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Yeah and the tank is decently armoured, crew in turret is also protected from rest of the hull, not from ammo rack ofc.

As we’ve seen with the German MiG-29s, it doesn’t really matter what a specific variant was armed with anymore

But yeah they’ll probably get both CF-18 and Gripen at some point because they’ll be easy copy paste vehicles

It was probably the Vickers Mk.11 , the 11 being confiused with a “II”


yeah im just marking what so far has been shown so far im not saying this list is true i mean we havent seen any leopard 1M or any of the planes above the F111