Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

guys i just marked what was so far shown from the list im not the one who made the list either

dev serv ?

The vickers is awesome.

The Cf-18 wont technically be copy and paste, they had some minor differences like a spotlight on the side of the nose for identifying aircraft it intercepted

Funny as most of that are the M109s

4-5 GB update atm, Mike said it opens soon

I keep seeing this list pop up with the Vickers MBT Mk.2 marked red but, to my knowledge, we’ve seen no evidence of it yet. Also the Leopard 40/70 is listed for Sweden which is pretty funny.

It’s really sad that we once again haven’t had the Hungarian air tree

Bad deathmisser

No new nation for you

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We could get in December

@Smin1080p have we seen everything planned for China this update?

Challenge accepted !


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I still got hope as Israel wasn’t in the teaser and the dev stream

Squish it.


Well we just need to see when the dev server drops

I swear theres got to be more coming

By the way does anyone know what the free reward for the BP is yet

Common writing mistakes

no clue actually normally its the plane but this time it seems to be a ground vehicle

Really hoping the Jh-7 is coming


I hope its the strikemaster but it looks like its gonna be either the Gay archer ( hehehe) or the Italian derp truck

the name its so silly, as i am aswell since i keep laughing every time i see it

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