Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

We got the Gr7 in an Oct update. The last and only good aircraft britain has gotten in 4 years.

and that hasnt stopped multiple other nations getting MASSIVE additions this patch

you did the entire download in the last 15 or so minutes?

Iā€™m gonna cry with my German internet

Britian is getting a toptier in december with ARH missiles, its been all but confirmed

manually marked the list with [cheap pic editor]

UH-60 was added too, and MiG-29G

Except for Britian, which got nothing. Vickers is the worse light tank in the TT


Nothing else. 0. So sucks if you play air.

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uuh i didnt see the UH 60 lemme mark it again, there marked

At the same time everyone else is getting ARH and that is likely Sea Harrier FA2, which will be pretty DOA.

If not, then it wont be British,

But that means no top tier vehicle in 15 months.

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someone said that new helis are not coming this patch, next december will

true or wrong?

i hope the december update has f15 its the best air force plane or the uh 60

I will grind new battlepass reward, New Zealand plane is kinda of cool

wrong this patch its comming with all the stuff presented in the stream the december patch its the one comming with gripen, 2 new leopards and probably a t90M

Iā€™m sure your confirmed coming plane end of the year gonna be the good one with fox3.

Did yall not watch the devstream?

We just got the UH-60

I cant be bothered with it. Its too much of a time sink for what is not that exciting on an addition

I mean but some guy said its not coming this patch, just december

i was confused

What happened too the list with the JH-7???

Looks at the F3

Thats what they said last time

anything for french navy?

What do you mean? we definitely arent just gonna get the F.3(Late) and surely will get something competitive