Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

ECC665 Block2, mig29G, A129D, BTR152D, Leopard 40/70(italy) and PBV501 are missing to be marked since those are getting added

As I wrote above, not my photo, just keep in mind what has already been presented ^^

yeah just finishing the list with the unmarked vehicles

Little late there, he’s banned.


He been banned two days ago m8

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pancake ahh tank

So when is the dev server opening?

It was already in the big leak
Its a … mhh … uh Leopard A1A1?

its updating right now for me

I already updated but can’t access the server.


Gaijin where US historical decal?



So, we can get “more leopard”. Actually just refers to a worthless variant of leopard 1?@smin1080p

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What an awful patch imo

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Yep, thinking of uninstalling and updating WoWs I think, play that for a few months

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its small patch

Vark, Geman top tier, and padding out some minor nations. Not bad for the small major patch IMO.

December is the big one

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that’s for december update, december update seems HUGE so far this update its probably for november or october at best

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The usual unfinished texture. I can certainly guess that it is:

But hardly

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