Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Even if jets with ARH would be 12.0 and highter MiG-23s and F-4s will fight with them.

The saddest part is minor nation that have option but are pull in the lower place whatever x)

Dragging you off to the shadow realm where you belong for this lmao

Yes but early models arent difficult to beat, at long ranges, sure at mid ranges they are great but 60km upwards they begin to lose thier abilty

@Smin1080p @Legwolf

That’s kinda awesome to run into each other like that. Do you guys play on EU servers or?

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Didnt Gaijin confirmed fox 3 for everybody at once ?

Most players call the USSR - Russia, it also has the correct name)

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Yeah EU :)

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Yes, everyone is getting Fox 3s at the same time

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But not as often and would be limited in count. I think an 11.3 can only see 4 12.3s

If it was 11.7 it oculd see loads. But that is little comfort in some gamemodes.

Tornado F3 already has an 11.7 SB rating. Due to EC brackets, it ONLY fights 12/12.3s. So even right now, the F3 is at that point, and is probably not mvoign in RB because AMRAAM is on the way.

But the moment that happens, easily 12.3 for it

I recently came across Smin in a Top Tier Air RB match!

He massacred me xD

I have actually come across him 2 or 3 times that I can recall hahah

So in your opinion the only way is to give them Canadian Hornet, ok. So what with nations with couldn’t get such help? They should suffer?

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Pls dont start the f14 argument again

Its what got us into this mess in the first place

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feels good to be Japan main this year


That’s because most of the tech is USSR !

Man, I really don’t want to sound rude or anything, but I really think you might just be a bit misinformed about AMRAAM. It carries alot of energy. It’s smart. It’s fast and very quick to turn on targets.

It’s insanely powerful. to put it at even 11.7 would be insane.

No, because the country was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, where many people here saw Russia, it’s a mystery to me personally :0

i’m a little lost between ARH and ASRAAM, arent they all fox 3 ?

Fox 3 is the NATO Brevity for ARH (Active radar homing)

AMRAAM / Aim-120 is the main US ARH misisle. Used by a lot of nations initially

ASRAAM is a Gen 5 IR missile used by Britain

(ASRAAM for the record WAS the stopgap till Typhoon and was deployed onto Tornado F3s at the same time as AMRAAM)

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