Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I know but it can get AIM-120 which will help in combat. UK needs to wait

True, I more mean that if the EAP had used real Skyflashes rather than dummies, it would’ve been applicable. But I won’t turn this into another EAP post haha.

Still hopefully we get some QoL aircraft to fill the tree so it’s a bit less painful to grind the tree when typhoon is added.

He hasn’t said we will get no planes, just that they won’t be top tier.

So long as it was assymetrical. if it was symetrical, it will do nothing

Our last Fighter was in 2019. We’ve waited, buddy

And also was… y’know… completed.

First EF-2000? Really?

*I would say there is some clone for everyone

I understand that but all nations are getting ARHs at the same time, plus its not gonna suddenly change the game, the maps still push people to a furball in which dogfighting is key

Right but Tornados will by more capable in battle

Hang on let me count how many years ago was that.

1 2 5 9 no that not right

Oh yea that right almost 5 years :)

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And so will their competitors

The only way the ADV would be meta is by having 300km+ wide maps but thats what DCS is for not war thunder

Maybe. but still a 11.3 being carried by AMRAAM.

Would be the same as taking the Mig-23MLD, giving it R-73s and making 12.3

Wait longer :))))

But like 5 years ago war thunder was 5 years old :O

It’s ludicrous for player to say half a decade isn’t enough wait longer.

Yes i agree, but having 4 x aim-120 instead of supertemp would help in bvr.

Afaik MICAs would be the top/among the top ARHs (or AMRAAM ? i mixup things) in the game. (if really “everybody” got fox3 together, like they said, i’m talking for the first fox3 update)

I guess they gonna be nerfed, but i just hope they are not gonna be nerfed to be less powerfull than less nerfed ARHs… I don’t know if i’m clear, you see my fear ?

Making France for once really META would hurt some “major” nation, so i can totally see Gaijin making MICAs not slightly better, not similar, but worst…

This is true, but completed means nothing now that Kronshtadt exists, Japan has other less extreme capability jumps that weren’t completed but were laid, but again, im not complaining, it opens doors for more modern ships which i like more.

There’s a fatty 0% chance it would be allowed at 11.3 with AMRAAM. Even A or B

Maybe… I reckon 90% of fights will still end in a dogfight, F3 is DOA, at 12.3 the F3 would likely though face the exact same missiles.

Its DOA vs Mig-29s at the moment, due to R-27ER, but vs F-16C it does hold a tiny advantage over the 7Ms.

Aim-120B vs Aim-120B?


As always it ends in dogfight but before it you have BVR fight in which Tornado have some adventages