Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

It’s necessary for top tier british air. For ground, we should be able to fill the entire tree with domestic vehicles, without SA’s help.

But at the end you got the DF105 (“Deutschland France 105”), could come in both country but no, we just got a “you gonna have something similar too” and we are still waiting, 1/2+years ago i think, still none French 105 oscillating.

I can accept a gap, Britian being limited to around 11.3-11.7 for a little while. Just having to “put up” with nothing competitive top tier (even though in my opinion that is jsut an excuse, but anway). But no excuse for neglecting everything else. A dozen great additions could have been added in the meantime sub 11. Mutliple aircraft still unfinsihed, several rendered unusable due to broken AAMs (which have been rumoured to being worked on for like a year)


4th gen fighters for UK which Legwolf wants will be copy-paste or most of them

Remember it took several months to finish the Sea harrier

Several?, try nearly a year and by the way… its not finished

No dude it is not necessary, so what now French should get MiG-29SMT because Algeria has them?

Maybe, but you saying u didnt get any variant was just plain wrong as well. Either way i completly ignored them and was thankfuly able to skip them completly now thanks to refoldering of the tree

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Bro what did I ever do to you? why are you riding me so hard? lmao

There are no british made contemporaries for the TT, to combat F-16 and MiG-29.
We need something even if it’s not british, but related to Britain to fill those gaps and make the tree playable and fun.

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The french have Mirage 2000 which is capable enough

Well lets just hope something changes, i still have a glimmer of hope unlike you guys, gaijin isnt completely heartless

Plus whining on the forums probably just gonna make Smin tell the devs to not give us anything

It is, because the SK was here for both before the DF105 case.
And SK use a modified French turret. The turret on the DF105 is 100% made by France, since we worked together on this vehicle (hence the name). And we have other vehicles (AMX-13 105) that use this turret, but still not in the game. Neither the DF105 nor the promised “similar” vehicle.

In this regard, i’m kinda mad the EAP and HS.1202 were never finished/armed. Not just for a video game, but also just because I imagine taking your downgraded Tomcat to a US led war game would have been embarrassing.

I really don’t like people bias on one nation.

No you don’t, you can get new Tornado and then EF-2000 for UK

Prehaps, main hope for me now is that Gr1 gets some overdue love. Has been rumours and datamines of stuff relating to ECM, Ground radars and other features. Strong chance F-111 was being delayed so it could come with those…

Though…No guarantee that if the F-111 got them, The Gr1 would too

EAP was essentially armed :)
It was called Eurofighter Typhoon DA.2
Practically just EAP if it had firing capabilities and proper wiring

Tornado really isnt competitive, its an 11.3 aircraft that has been filling the roles of a 12.0 and 12.3 aircraft plus its either an interceptor or cas jet, both dont fit the gamestyle at all

Still no excuse for why other aircraft are missing or unfinished. Tornado Gr1 could be a highly competitve top tier CAS/Strike aircraft, but has been heavily neutured by a lack of most of its defensive aids, lack of radar and half of its A2G loadouts

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“New Tornado” is what exactly? Tornado CSP is the same F.3 we have now, but with upgraded software (irrelivent in game) and AMRAAM (Coming all at once to every nation).

Tornado is also an interceptor. Not a Fighter.
It’s not competitive.
EF-2000 is one of the worlds most powerful aircraft ever built, and you’d sooner see F-22.