Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Would be cool to have a singaporean vehicle in the game though. AFAIK there are none so far.

But dude, gaijin devs once said, that some nations would have lack of planes

@Smin1080p Now that we are getting a top tier SPAA for Japan, is anything currently in the works for Israel?

The chaos won’t be fun enough gib the Indian Mig-29K and the SMT

Feeled like u were talking about german ground as well to me lol

Only one NZ vehicle, and sadly that was originally British

Like that F-5C behind me D:


You mean like the fact that the only French 105 oscillating turret of the game is only in Germany TT ? è_é

Chapparel take it or leave it, but yeah they need a real one as well together with italy

Then why dont u brits go make something of your own? uwu

True! They also said that the Commonwealth nations will fill gaps that the main nation cannot. Not exclusively UK but to fill gaps across all applicable nations trees where it makes sense. All the aircraft I listed are Commonwealth nations, making them fit the criteria Gaijin laid out. It make sense to give us something

There are a few options. Most popular one is HVSD/ADAMS and honestly it looks pretty cool.

Im gonna he honest, if britain just gets our own vehicles and mabye canadian and other commonwealth as gap fillers thats fine, however under no circumstances do i want unmodified gripens, mirages, migs etc unless theres no other choice

Like whilst cheetah would be cool and all it doenst really fill a gap other than giving SA players an aircraft to use

He’s too powerful, he’s going for the Barak II!

Top 5 anime crossovers


Singapore legit has some interesting ifvs.

Well fremch cried so loud they got the S105A2 as well in their tech tree didnt they?


Its a shame they arent actually doing that though.

Its a good idea, but adding a MBT at a BR that we already had 5 MBTs is not exactly filling any gaps. If it was a light tank or something at 10.3, then i’d have less of an issue with it

Yeah so adding Commonweatlh vehicles will make UK TT less unique

Depends if they’re copy-paste from others or domestic options to those countries.

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