Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

But the loudest ones wants it, like Legwolf wants Indian vehicles

Bronco would go kinda hard ngl


IIRC the Rooikat HVM is a mockup which is why it didnt come to the game when SA was added, IIRC it was even in the trailer then just noped.

So unless it was decided by gaijin to add, I dont think we will see it.

The list is more likely:
1 ground vehicle
tons of boats noone will use

I was thinking Bronco, Dragonfly/super Tweet, even the Mohawk would be funi (the best air to air fighter of the US army in vietnam!) (edit: for anyone who doesnt know, a Mohawk shot down a mig 17 and they tried to keep it quiet as to not upset the Air Force by taking their job or something)

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You’re telling me the contraption flies??

On a serious note, it is fun when you are excited about additions, did you help with this one too?

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Bro what lmao
I want british designs. I want the UK TT to be the UK TT.


Me too. Im loud and i want indian vehicles!

Alright look, I know this is off topic, but here I am playing Air RB and chilling while reading the forum and get this jumpscare LMAOOO


RNZAF F-16 wooooooh

I’ll take more boats. We have the lowest number of ships in the 6.7-7.0 range despite having more possibilities than at least the next biggest 3 combined.

We could even get a 7.3, something like the R-class, Queen Elizabeth class. Or even HMS Revenge in her intended 1941 refit with 16 dual 4.5 inch mounts.

Only if they add a Canada tree to justify removing it. I became a UK main for it I’d be mad if it is removed as It’s my last Canadian ground vehicle in game I’m missing. (then I get to become a Coastal player(I’m in pain))

Your wish shall be fullfilled, britain shall receive an indian mig29

That is wrong as we started to build two of them

Singaporean F-16 pls


There’s not a whole lot in the way of 4th gen british designs that compete with F-16. It goes from Tornado right to Typhoon. Eurofighter is too powerful for now, so we’re stuck with these as stopgaps.

RNZAF F-16 better

Damn, you got some skills to be on the forum and gaming, goes for both you and especially Smin given the chaos

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Denied, i only fullfil 1 wish per update

I’m always triggered when GB want some French planes in their TT x)

France don’t need to give it’s originality to others nations, it’s already not a lot played, don’t kill it :(

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