Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

“of note”.

THe Iron Duke is a Marlborough C&P

Vickers mK11 is the worse possible light tank they could have added.

True, where’s the warriordats?

The Canadian ADATS could be replaced by the ADATS turret mounted on a warrior low-profile hull if its a huge issue.

Maybe it’s because I play all tech trees, I just play Britain the most

None of us want india but i agree, we all got a bit carried away on a warpath i think

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…Do the missiles really look like starstreaks to you?

You’ve got a point here.

It wasn’t only proposal?

any chance on that BP plane having a hint? Is it to do with the name of the BP as sometimes they are linked, sometimes not ^^.

Im just hoping for some funi CAS from vietnam tbh by the title. Theres plenty of neat planes from that.

I know I know, not happening watch the news, but worth a try ha.

nope there were many of us saying the same.

Sweden via Norway or Denmark
Japan via Korea (K55)

Thats 8/10 nations that could receive the M109.

watch your language or you might get a 1 day ban like me lol

Do i look like i have a clue lol

It is indeed a plane :)


Speaking of China, how about we get the funny Chinese humvee with Ty-90s? I can certainly say it’d be trollage.


If the leaklist is to be believed and Rooikat HVM is to be added, I could see it being pretty fun, though, i’d be a lil disappointed if i’m honest. The UK TT is just becoming flooded with stuff that isn’t from the UK.
I could see it being decent and a good replacement to ADATS but…man I just kinda like my vehicles green. Constant sand color is rough

The hint we got is that smin looks forward to it

Good that that list looks faker then fake

Meh better than nothing tho

We should count our losses rather than losing pur minds again