Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Bro, I don’t blame you for being upset, but you will get this thread locked again

Do not talk about the HAL Tejas.

@Smin1080p Any chance we can get a hint if there will be any TT BBs added this update? For any nation tbh. Just nice to see naval get some love on the high end of the TTs

yeah, about 12:00-13:00 GMT if I recall correctly

i only started playing realy last year, i only know the status quo lol

Both are indian therefore technically can come to Britain

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No devblog but a ship ?

I don’t want Indian vehicles.

We haven’t shown everything the update (or the final Battle pass) has to offer just yet. So stay tuned to the news for more details.


oh damn, gotta watch during university lol<

Edit: oh fuck me, gonna be during train ride home

We already have one anyway


I know grrrrrr

Man, I know that’s a generic business answer to cover your bases and not give anything away… But I can’t help but take that as a hint to something nice to come. Appreciate the quick reply!

Tejas is an Indigenous Indian 4th generation aircraft based on experience gained license building numerous aircraft. I believe its India’s first fully indigenously designed aircraft as the only other is the HAL Ajeet based on the Folland Gnat. To stress, it’s completely indigenous, no Russian or British or US input, but it does use certain components.

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Tejas is Indian fighter jet made by them. You know dude some of british mains are just crying about nothing and wants too many vehicles which UK didn’t have. Like ADATS it is in the tech tree only because Canada was a colony.

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same, I’m in college for both streams so Imma have to re-watch them afterwards

Why not give us RNZAF Spitfires instead? The modified Mk V with 2x Hispano Mk ii

so britain got a new battleship every update then? they did have 54 of them between 1910 and 1920 alone? its the same logic.

Question: Do you have anything for France ? I’m not asking for a state secret but :

When the Germans have grumbled for the PSO, more leopards were confirmed for them just after that.
We had a Leclerc S2 with ERA (which should be NERA…And available on any Leclercs variant after the S1, anyway…), so a downgraded SXXI, same things that Germany, but no indication that anything else was coming for us.

You’ve confirmed light vehicles for GB, but France has just as wide a choice of light vehicles, and is perhaps the modern nation to use the most wheeled vehicles, but there’s still nothing announced for us.

Can we expect anything in the same way that others have been given little ideas of what’s in the pipeline ?

The only one normal british player.