Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

sure we already wanna open again? lol

I feel this will just explode again in half an hour

give it 10min

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Come on what’s the problem with us!

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Of course not…

posts classified documents


Will China get a new jet too look forward too this update? It’s been a while since we’ve received something that was competitive for CAS at top tier

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I’d still like to know what’s happening behind the scenes with France. Basically, nothing from 1970s-2000s for IFVs/Lights in game when they produced more of those than Germany. Could get lots of cool stuff


just want you to feel like us germans often do

Meh in what way? You want Britain to have completely undertiered tanks, and a fourth gen fighter? I’m in!

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laughs in german whose CAS lost meta rights after 1 update

We’re so back

Definitely possible since it seems certain that we’re getting the dev stream tomorrow as well

Inshallah be glad I don’t pay gajjin too remove Germany entirely, I shall banish all leopards too the Danish sub tree

remind me again, at what time does the russian one start?

Some of you are just annoying and being hypocrisy, many of british players complain about T-90S but you don’t have problem with MiG-29K and Tejas.

You just start to get treated like France is since years. For years i saw you getting handfull of toys each update, and hoping for counterpart from France that never come in the game.

How it feel to pass on the other side? x))

Imagine this for years. I’m almost happy to see you there. :p

So… as Britain hasnt gotten any Dev posts this update of note.

Red Tops and SRAAM overhaul? They were rumoured months ago

Tornado IDS actually getting a radar? That too was semi-rumoured. or at least mentioned months ago that the devs were looking at it

Prehaps even something as little as getting chaff on the Tornado IDS?

Tornado F3 and Sea Harrier FRS1 still have placeholder cockpit HUDs

Fine, the devs cant be bothered to add any thing for Britain air, even something interesting low tier. can we at least get what we’ve got finished?


Not sure but for me in central USA around 5-6 AM I think, and if you goo too the Russian YouTube channel for war thunder it should show you the scheduled stream

Don’t know what 29K has to do with this, and don’t know what the Tejas is, XD