Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

My knowledge about UK planes is limited, if the Tornado F.3 can be the one getting fox3, what is the problem ?

Depending on the fox 3 at hand, it may still be trash

Found a F-111 case study from MIT that seems to go through all of its specs/performance/load out


I just hope, without talking about sub variant, that the Rafales gonna come in 3 lines :
Rafale C after Mirage2000-5F
Rafale B after Mirage 2000D
Rafale M after… A navy line, what we need.

Its BVR only. instantly DOA vs anything higher than about BR10 in a dogfight. Vs gen 4s with the same weapons, it has no advantage and still will get pulled into unwinnable dogfights.

Remember that Britain almost bought the F-14A. I’m not sure if they evaluated any but it’d be funny to see British F-14s in game since Gaijin already adds a lot of questionable stuff (don’t take this too serious though :|)

The Tornado F.3, if it got AMRAAMs and noone else did? Problem solved.

The issue? Gaijin. They’re happy with F.3 being where it is and refuse to buff its loadout further even by giving it AIM-9M.

Tornado is terribly suited for top tier so we need help from commonwealth nations to give us something useful

Fox 3 BVR…? Sound strange to me.

That would make the most sense
I assume the M is probably going to come after the F8 line.
I hate it, its messy, but I’m afraid it is what it is

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We also almost got f16 and f15 before we went with the ADV

Plus british pilots flew f18s

People were genuinely asking for this unironically a day or two ago

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It was a deathmisser job as usual

New nation where ?

I suggested it on reddit once. It actually did unexpectedly favourably. Although i may have done a very biased job at explaining Imperial Iran-UK foreign relations.

another leak 100% real




Not for a while i hope, even if confirmed for the future.

Talking about how you were asking for british f14s the other day

I feel the Gripen will be the last update of the year, not this one. Otherwise it would have been the main course in the trailer.


Worth noting - The F-18s didn’t belong to Britain nor were loaned to us for testing. They were overseas pilot exchange programs essentially. The MoD of course, evaluated all modern combat vehicles when deciding their new airframe - this includes F-16, F-14, F-18. Because they considered them though, means nothing. We never got any airframes for trials, premotional material or proposals

I would say the Gripen proberbly whont due to that it wasnt present in the Teaser tho knowing gaijin it may apear