Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Having some AIM 120A on tornados and f4 ICE would have been a good way to slowly introduce advanced fox 3 in game.

F-22 for Britain because a British pilot flew them and we wanted them.

But if it went through the thoughts of boris’ mind then surely it is a valid addition

Yeah I use cmano’s database to find stuff like this and it’s always so funny. Apparently there are hypothetical F-117s too? Britain was on hopium.

Yeah, in assymtery they’d be semi blanace, but still, if thats our new “top tier” jet, just a C&P F3 with different BVR missiles. That would be a major let down. Why id hope for FA2, that would be just as good as an early adopter

Would it stand his ground (lol) if they add fox 3 for everybody, including this plane, but also aim-9M?

YF-12 for Britian because a plane enthusiast from Britian knew a guy who’s dad saw it once

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I know I was joking

But yea If Britain is lacking at top tier jet as the same reason as Japan.
And they got a fake I can’t see why we can’t have a F-14 since the MOD was looking at it

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Probably, would be semi-ahistorical, but close enough to get Aim-9M. Sitll would be DOA in a dogfight though

Nah, Tornado against F-16/MiG-29 with Fox 3s would be eaten alive. Even with 9Ms and 120Cs

stand its ground idk,
meet the ground however…

sry I’ll see myself out

It couldn’t even run away fast enough.

Mig 21 for britain as i saw one at a museum here once


I was about to joke “MiG-29 for Britian because…” But realised the horrific truth that this might be actually a reality via India… :C

MiGStory10 (1)

Get some from Canada


well smin hinted that he is realy looking forward to the plane

Mig 29k to britain before russia

this is the last update of the year they just havent revealed yet its like the leopards on the backgrounds they are saving the best for last

Yeah, please dont even touch that with a barge pole

Does anyone know if this leak list has actually been shown before today?