Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Gnat wasn’t nicknamed sabre-slayer for no reason, it was virtually superior by every metric, superior to the Ariete and Mig-19 in many ways too, it would struggle against missiles, but at 9.3 it would work, any higher and it would be almost as useless as the Hunter F.6, but given SRAAM’s are more flare hungry than R-60’s i think the dogfight advantage with the underwing rockets as makeshift flares would make it a whole lot more versatile.

Maybe the RAAF as a SV while we get a TT K ?

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Can’t way for the mix up between rafale variants, this is gonna be wild

If AMRAAM come, Sea Harrier FA2 is what I’d expect to get. Without out that, I really dont know

Tornado Gr4 or Harrier Gr9A would both be good additions, but I doubt they want to add their true and full A2G and Im just not sure of their value over what we’ve got. If they hadnt give Gr7 9Ms, then Gr9A with 9Ms would have been a very solid addition, but unless it gets Brimstone… Would be C&P nearly

Commonwealth stuff, maybe… I just feel thats a rabbit hole that leaves britian with nothing British for a very long time

The total list of likely suspects is:
BAe Hawk 200
Tornado Gr.4
Jaguar GR.3A
Gripen C
Sea Harrier FA.2
Tornado Sustainment Programme
Harrier GR.9A

That’s about everything I could think of that’s “likely”


Oh boy i’m already triggered xD

Watch none of this be true and they add a buccaneer with 9Ls instead


there is a lot before that. this is just an example of the volume it could carry. the biggest payloads of any f-111 variant.

Prehaps, but a pure gun fighter above 9 is going to be very hard. It might be better than a lot IRL, but that just means a high BR. I also generally dont overlly enjoy that bracket. Too much mess with uptiers

Absolutely, along with the ‘near all-aspect’ red-top rework it would be very nice to see. Speed would be good either M 1.7 or M 1.2 as either of the two airframes was designed to mount either engine. Radar is questionable, they could just slap the Lightning’s radar in there, but no radar was technically specified it just had space for the mounting.

But then again, in the design request from the MOD a ‘night-fighter/interceptor’ was specified, which makes a radar a certainty of the design.

Hawk 200 would actually be really good

F-16 radar, Amraams and Asraams, good maneuverability etc.

Only downside is subsonic bt the harriers prepare you for that anyway

None of your actual ingame plane can use fox3 ?

“Sabre Slayer”

Uptiered to 11.3, too OP for fighting sabres


This is true. But the Ariete does well and I wouldn’t see it placed any higher. Suffering from success springs to mind here.

Depending on how you view Tornado F.3, that is AMRAAM capable. Beyond that, there’s nothing for UK

12.7 minimum

AH fair, but unless it has a massive BVR loadout and a really good radar, not exactly going to be taking into A2A combat and even then, its not gunna be winning any gun fights

Yeah that’s the downside, suffering from success is gonna screw us badly I think.

Tornado F3, but for a number of reason the Sea Harrier FA2 would be a LOT better and might actually survive longer than 30 seconds against 12.7s

i got to say, french variant can be confusing.

Tiger HAP => HAD MK1 => HAD MK2 => HAD MK3
Rafale F1 (but only for the M), F2, F3, F3R (cause why not), F4.1, F4.2
The people in charge of naming those standards really want you to not understand them X)

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