Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I’m holding out hope for the Gnat. Nothing ready to be added at top tier now would be fun for me (Sea Harriers and Tornado’s) so something lower like Gnat or Supermarine 545 are what i’d really like.

But neither are hugely popular like US or Soviet (or even French aircraft) are going to be, so maybe they don’t make it into the teaser.

So I guess dev stream tomorrow? When I’m away from home the entire day :/

“A solution for France is the Tiger HAD Block 2 whose variants include different upgrades the platform has received and integrated depending on the nation it’s used by. Weapons such as the Hellfire II 114K, M, and N, with the 1A version and Hydra 70. However, the real upgrade comes in the possibility of Spike and laser guided rockets.”

So it could also bring laser guided rockets, and perhaps even Spikes (perhaps even Akeron but not sure).

Don’t looks like a mk2 would bring that much worth for a full new heli, a MkIII would have be better


That’s extremely doubtful, USA has enough prems at top rank.

Block 2 can mount Spikes, that’s the main difference (in-game)

CF-18 would be a cool addition!


Gnat could be interesting… but still not spectacular. Even if they didnt add top tier, they could certainly do some hole filling, Something in the 10.3 area, like a Hawk, or another late Jaguar variant would be at least short-term, quite interesting to have

Type 545 would be an absolute god teir addition,

Radar, 4 red tops and good speed so basically a british f100 at a time when it wouldnt face top teir anymore

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the thing is sure we dont already have the block 2 in the game? all those weapons just might have been left alone by gajin for balancing

You get a gay boat, take it or leave it


That’s the new British top tier? )))))))


Not just any gay boat but a gay boat with the incorrect weapons


Yeah, the current BP rewards are disappointing to be honest. I’m still hoping for a good plane.

Wouldn’t be Gaijin if it was accurate lol


Definitely but so would SAAF Gripen C, for now we just don’t know. We may end up with a Tornado Gr.4 or a Harrier with AMRAAMS. I’m secretly hoping for them, but I’m also managing my expectations.

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Wonder, they always make some mixup of variants for France (Mirage 2000-5F wich is not a real -5F, Super Etendard wich is partially a Super Etendard Modernisé, etc…)

Hey man I’m not trying too justify it, I’m just surprised that for once the soviets arnt getting an equivalent while other nations are, that’s all.

Assuming that the leak list is real ofc, which tbh it’s a very convincing list

Honestly, I’m holding out hope for literally anything useful or fun for Britian. The F-111 was operated by the RAAF and the RAF had plans for it too, so possibly we get one of those?
CF-18 is out the window or we’d have seen it by now.
I think we won’t see a top tier british fighter this time


If all we got this year was a newer tornado i might go commit soduku

We really need at least a sea harrier, mabye even a CF-18 if we are lucky

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Akeron is for MK3
Tha additional engine power is still nice tho. By the way, is the HP on HAD the same as HAP in game ? Cause it shouldn’t.
Seems like it can carry the same hellfires as the current one, spike would be a plus though.
As for guided rockets, I think it’s a variant of the SNEB.

So not much, but honest work. (assuming that list is true, which it may not be)

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