Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

which list is that?

Needs a proper heli gamemode for that to be a good addition. Id love to play helis a lot more, but I just hate GRB at the moment, having to play in a tank first just sucks

Definitely I’d expect to see Dunkerque as France’s next ship but I wouldn’t overlook the possibility of a Normandie class ship. Given they were Laid.


Yeah but again, i need something to give me dopamine when i look at the devstream and changelog

£10 says that the devsteam will spend ages on USA and other nations, We’ll be sat waiting for a single frame for them to show Britian, they’ll click on it and it’ll just have garbage boats and a single light tank



BTW this is not only one ship.

Hehe, yeah, im more expecting something like a wessex or Gazelle for Britain though tbh

Ill raise that to £50

Oh but that ones a bit old no ? Furthermore the Deutschland pre-Dreadnoughts do make sense for Germany, considering they still had two in WW2, the Schleswig-Holstein even firing the first shot of WW2

Pretty much what I expect too and we havent even see what the Soviets likely got to match the F-111 yet either.

Mig-27, I don’t think they’re getting any specific counter.

Problem is wessex requires a whole new model and im pretty sure we only proved it had weapons a few months back

Plus because the british gazelles were liscense built we dont know if they retained the ability to carry anything more than 14 SNEBs or 7.62 MGs

Yeah I think F-111 isn’t too special compared to MiG-27. It’s just cooler looking

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Maybe, Im still expecting them to get a heavier/modern strike aircraft to match

EC 665 Block 2 ?
idk what that would bring
Now (c)hoping tho

So sounds exactly like something Britian would get then :P

Yeah hopefully the december update will be more interesting.

At least it’s not a bad update. It adds some highly needed vehicles and cool effects. I guess it was to be expected from the usually smaller november update.

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There’s this one:
And I think it’s in another; both are from August or earlier.

the f111c had the most heavy a2a missile loadout of any f-111 variant and the most modern as it was continuously modernised for the latest weapons until it was retired in 2010