Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

That list is fake and was probably created a few minutes after all vehicles were known


i cant help but think the ten sam missiles look like R-24’s lol

I wonder if there will be anything special regarding the 11th Anniversary falling near 11/11…

Add it as a premium alongside the baby c-17 and zelensky plane

Yeah it’s not a top tier even for strike missions it has a limited GBU capability. But least that’s one option off the drawing board. The main significance of having an F-111 would be that it would show if the Aussie’s are being added for our tree or not. Given there are viable options for the F-111K or the Aussie one its a good indicator.

I might be reading too much into it though.

Cough cough lol

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We need an actual leak list?

Where is the Head of Leaks and Orocurer of Lists? Where is Olivia?!


I’d take it, maybe even fly it, but for all intent and purposes, it would be a Tornado Gr1 that can carry more bombs.

Fundamentally, it adds nothing to the British Tree. Id rather take the Tornado Gr1 actually being finished as its barely 1/3 complete over an aircraft that performs the same role.

It would be good, but I’d rather trade it in for a Sea Harrier FA2 or other actually capable top tier fighter.

La galissonnière could be at least a good start for updating the tree.


Olivia no longer does major leaks. Infact, iirc they’re now a Gaijin employee lmao

That is a chance, but just as equal if we did get it it would be a one off

You can’t datamine something if there is no access to new code like a dev server

Well i understand your point of view but at this point im so starved of good additions that im gonna enjoy anything that is remotely good

Now i have no idea about tanks an planes, but SMS Sachsen was either a never completed Bayern class ship, which we already have in the Game, or a ship from 1877 or so, so no.
And the Conte di Cavour class BBs had no Member of that Name so this sounds like a lot of bs, atleast for Naval

They could do with Dunkerque or even Richelieu at this point.

That’s why I didn’t mention dataminers hahah

Was talking more about moles who leak internal intel xD

Lots of people talking about vehicles. Can I just point out that there appears to be proper HMD?


Yeah but I think also saw a new MiG


I wonder tho who’s gonna get it since it’s ukrainian


Yeah nice to see these kind of stuff

Yeah, the only major hope of this addition, is that they’ll now develop things like ground radar and better defensive aids for aircraft. With the Tornados, low priority due to minor nations, but now its US. High Priority and might get done.

So yeah, Id hope for it, not that its by any means certain. But might if nothing else, have a spill over effect and the other IDS tornados can at long last be finsihed