Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Remember when we were told that the tease was delayed because of some big feature being bugged or broken? Or was that just me?

What was that feature???

well would be fun, if at the start realy are new leopards it would mean germany could get leopard 2s 3 updates in a row !!!

The Nagato would be a big step forwards and would probably need to be 7.3 but i’m not complaining about that. Simply because 10 16-inch guns and better armour than Ise is a big step.

Italy do not get helicopters mate.

So are the nations getting the base M109s (A1/A2) now and will get the upgraded models later?
Like Doher of Israel, Paladin for US, M109L for Italy …
So eligible countries for early M109s be : US, UK, Germany, Italy, Israel, ROC(China), Norway(Sweden)
Hope the Dev adds the Abbot(UK), M108(US,ROC), SP-70 (UK,Ger,Ity), Palmaria(Ity), AS-90(UK), Sholef(Isrl), Crusader(US) SPGs in future as well …
As well as other older SPGs like Bishop(UK), Hummel(Ger), M44(US,UK,Ger,Jap,Ity), M53(US)

well could be associated with the japanese spaa

As a Russian tree player. That would be great to see Germany get 3 leopards 3 updates in a row. Of course, along with our T-90M 🙃


honestly if we get 3 leopards in a row i wouldnt even be fucking bothered by russia getting 1 t90m


Still no answer from my monthly calls since the last update :( hehe

This is a sign of a new nation


Seems a bit silly to me… that thing didn’t see like anything special, it looks like a MiM-72 Chaparral on another chassis, honestly.
With the teaser also being shorter I think they might be hiding something from us, this “big feature”

Could also just be a tiny update

Might make a good makeshift fighter though as its fast and probably better at fighting than the Tornado given it was initially supposed to be a fighter. IIRC the D model could carry like 6 AIM-9’s which the K model was developed from.

Not sure of the initial request from the White paper but given the requirements laid out the ordnance might include some useful weapons.

oh it is way more modern then a chaparral lol, the radar missles are ARH and fire and forget as well


Would’ve been happier, if they added the T57 heavy tank …

the big feature with the type 81C is that the missiles are either manually guided or fire and forget and the missiles are much better than the MiM 72 chapparral’s missiles plus the type 81 C works with an external radar


If Germany gets ANOTHER BAYERN-class Battleship while all U.S has is 9,000 second reload nail shooters slapped on insta-ammorack ships, I will commit Harakiri

Still would not win vs Mig-29 or F-16 in a dogfight, and probably has limited BVR making it worse than an F3 in that role.

If France still don’t get an interesting ship i’m gonna commit sudoku.


Are you seriously arguing against an addition to britain, at this point i will take anything above rank 1 that isnt a challenger

bro yall saw the new F16 this update?




Japan and Germany also used M52s

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