Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

possible, remember you can be killed bys flares lol

Things like the Tosa and Amagi class?

No F-111F is much better

i love it. next thing we need is the type 93 with atgms on its back.


I wouldn’t mind as it’s something other than Harries and Tornados


Would Britain not receive the F-111K for the RAF as it was partially built?

C has everything all the American versions had in one and more

Plus the idea of actualy being able to turn AND go supersonic at the same time

Absolute madness

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Lol, the only two other soviet additions will be a BTR-152D (no functional difference to the BTR-152A in game(?)) and a prototype/barely used tank destroyer Gaz-75.
Can’t be real

Idk why y’all want the F-111 for britain it’s not what it needs at all and already has something that does that job. It needs a fighter not a hulking bus

Maybe the Australian one, but I semi doubt it as we’ve already got a very heavy CAS line up at the moment. Would be fun to have, but somewhat un-needed

Sooo… no fighters ?

More like Takao or Nagato class


The RAF’s first two F-111K were not far from construction although the technecalities as to how they differed from other F-111’s I am not informed on but it would make the most sense to add these for Britain. If not then the RAAF ones basically confirms the later F-18(AUS) for the British TT.

guys wich merkava is this one? it dosent have the trophy but it dosent look like the LIC either

Well……I guess rank 8 ground is coming next update

Yeah, if thats our “top tier” jet, then I’d be very pissed. Because a finsihed Tornado Gr1 can do the same job just as well

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Is it just me or does the teaser seem shorter than usual, it felt like all of this years were quite long compared to this one


Mk.4B most likely, nothing new