Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

God I thought that C17 was a vickers valiant tail for a moment, then I realised i’m playing GBR and we get naught

Hope to see some interesting ships in the stream (or maybe not)
Well, good night then :3


Would be interesting technically the ARH missile can still be used without the need of a main radar kind of like mad dog it but for ground.

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Could be, if i’m honest I’m not really a helicopter guy, I can pick out outlines and differences between things like Lynx and Wildcat, but sub-variants I cannot do.

Argghhh things that I wanted were not in the trailer!

what is this?

Oh, thats why I had no idea what you are talking about, I’ve never even looked at that ground line. But probably.

Though the only glimmer of hope I see so far from that, was the updated F-16 HUD (I think) which might mean proper cockpit HUDs for other jets. F3 is still missing 90% of its HUD symbology


Aim 9s i think

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Type 81 mod.(C) arrived 4 years after we suggested it for the first time. Its finally here.



Hoping to see something 6.7-7.3 for the UK or maybe a larger jump to a next generation of super-dreadnoughts/fast battleships.

Gib some WWII for Japanese pretty please <3

Would be awesome but will just have to wait until dev stream

Can the sabot pieces do damage tho?

Version of the M109 shown in all scenes of the trailer is an M109A1 by the looks since there’s no armoured housing for the peri sight which was added on the A2 and later.
Doesn’t seem to be any other nation-specific modifications such as smoke dischargers or stowage bins

So… Brits getting a new top tier jet by years end… Trailer has lots of f-111 in it (all usa shown)… So… RAAF F-111C new top tier for Britain??? 😎


Or f111k


but no M109 for germany wich its weird, maybe…

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Gib please


C is the Best, trust me you want C

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Would just be a reskin of the standard F111 as well i think so exactly gown the route id expect gaijin to take with britain