Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I think i agree. Although DA.2 appears with Amraams im not sure if it could have fired them, but with just 9L/i’s its the same as Gaijins ordinary generational leaps seen with the F-14 and others before that.

Grippen soon ?
Sweden, GB (maybe ?) Italy/Hungary tech tree.

Tiger meet hungary version.
Early version: AIM9L and AIM-120 AMRAAM C5
Later version : IRIS-T MS20 Block II modernization program was ordered in December 2021
and future Meteor misslie

Well, Gripen can only use AMRAAM. early F-15s were SARH not ARH, but… I just dont think they’d add a top tier aircraft like the F-15 with “downgrade” BVR missiles. The moaning would be extreme. Look at Aim-9M last update.

So id not be surprised by F-15 with AMRAAM too.

At which point, you’ve got Gripen and F-15 that would be a marked upgrade over current top tier aircraft. But the Typhoon (and I mean a really early, handicapped variant here) would not be so far ahead of those that it would need to come end of 2024/start of 2025. Q2-3 next year would be plenty of time to mature other nations and would be about the right time to “repalce” the Gen 3s Britain and Germany are likely getting this year. If Typhoon was THAT late. then it owuld be out of spite not balancing concerns

No as in something to fill the gap until the Typhoon

I think more likely Gripen D from teh RAF trainer thing than SA for a few reasons. but wont be same update as Sweden, more likely March next year. It would be okay, but a shame if they resorted to non-British stuff instead of adding British stuff like SHar, more jags, a new tornado IDS, etc.

Gripen soon? Maybe, maybe not
If it gets added anytime soon it’s either a fantasy edition or a similar situation as the israeli Netz, 12.0 with only AIM-9Ls/Ms

Ah fair enough. ICE and SHar FA2 this year probably. Would make sense. Then either Gripen D or F-18 I suppose for commonwealth, just please no Indian stuff.

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Now every time i see india i have that mirage hit with a stick (hal tejas) in front of my eyes. Thank you random internet user


How is that a downgrade? SARH are still meta and F-15 would be the first 4th gen in F-4 (Air Force) line for US. People would be mad happy for AIM-9L/AIM-7P F-15.

I’m fine with pre-production Typhoon. I think it’s needed and wouldn’t break the balance.

As I said I just get cofused of which Typhoon are you guys talking about sometimes so I always asume it’s the production one.

It would be super funny if the UK tree gets an aussie F/A-18 before the US tree gets their first Hornet

I would love Gaijin for such a move^^

AIM-120C5? You sure? Hungarian one could easily get AIM-120B as a placeholder since it could use them.

If anything we’re not fast enough getting to gen 4 for all. Why do you think there’s so much hype with all these new gen 4s?

People want more modern stuff. Funnily enough, the game would be more balanced as we get more modern as more nations get their contemporary aircrafts. People don’t want to just have a couple nations have their cool gen 4s and then the rest “catchup” in gen 3s. That’s boring.

Once we hit gen 4.5s we can “slow down” and Gaijin can focus more on gamemodes/maps/mechanics/older stuff equipment.

ARH would be the new shiny thing, so people will want the new shiny thing. SARH vs ARH is an interesting concept to have, but if you have F-15s being taken out by AMRAAM, then they will moan. Especially if they have access to say the F-16C with AMRAAM at hte same BR.

This is also not taking into account that one of the main reasons to add the F-15 would be to give Japan an AMRAAM carrier that doesnt have AESA (or the need for a prototype)

At this point, almost exclusively discussing pre-production, most likely with the Tonrado engines. But hard to find stats/comparisons so early in-service typhoon but with some assumed performance reductions is the best you can do sometimes.

Yeah… But my god, that would cause a riot

It 's all Typhoon 's, DA or production tranche: Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1) - #5998

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I can’t really agree with that, ARB isn’t ready for AMRAAM gameplay, the game wasn’t really ready for gen 4 to begin with.
If you think more modern jets would be more fun, all power to you, but from what I’ve heard from DCS players, more modern doesnt mean more fun at all
In terms of capabilities, I don’t see what the appeal of modern jets would be either, at least not in realistic or sim battles

I mean what’s stopping them from adding JAS39C and F-15A for example without ARH but adding them to late 3rd gens like JA37D? Good balance decision, good way of testing these missiles and a very good reason to make people grind all these jets. F-15 still would be meta/new so shiny toy argument still stands, F-4F ICE, FA.2, JA37D etc. would bring new mechanics and weapons to top tier so people will rush for them to test out FOX3.

Everyone should be happy… maybe I’m tripping but that’s how I see it for this update.

and that is exactly how I want them to do it. How they could actually balance top tier… But can the Gripen fire SARH? and that assymetry never lasts long. Would ocme eventually.

But yeah, you could add ARH to gen 3s and they would be competitve vs gen 4 SARH. Just they have stated ARH would come to all at the same time. So that puts that into doubt

From what I have read online the Gripen never used SARH missiles, those things were pretty much out of fashion at that point