Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)


EAP is not the Typhoon. EAP is a experimental proof of concept demonstrator. Separate aircraft.


Be nice : (


I am not supporting the idea of getting the Eurofighter, but the Yak-141 never entered production nor did it get a radar

Does it mean it has atleast a chance for now?🫠

The answer was on all Eurofighters/Typhoons. Currently non are super close at all.

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Ah yes, i mixed that up

With him never)

Which is why the Yak-141, Kikka, XP-50, etc have weapons. They weren’t put into service.
If they were put into service their prototypes wouldn’t be added because they didn’t have weapons.

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So not next week… but next month? : D

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But could the DAs come in the future or are they completely of the table because of their … questionable equipment situation?

For everyone else reading, both the DA.1 and DA.2 could and did carry weapons. They were even used for IRIS-T and ASRAAM integration respectively. The question is mostly on countermeasures, BK-27 and radar

Now i wonder if the first Typhon we get will have CAPTOR M or CAPTOR E

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And why then is this version needed if all the necessary things are not there?

Again, we are nowhere close to these types of aircraft. So its far too early to talk about what would and what would not be coming to the game.


Could you tell us why they are too advanced ?

I mean like it won’t be to far of the Gripen C

Not sure what we are arguing about at this point, I support the idea of adding prototype and pre-production vehicles with projected equipment, however to me it doesn’t matter if the final aircraft entered service or if the project got cancelled.
If a prototype/pre-production vehicle would be a good addition to the game, then it should have a chance of being implemented

Gripen C has less speed, less weapons, and a worse radarset.
Gripen C’s minimum viable weapon loadout is also 6x 9Ls, Typhoon’s minimum viable weapon loadout to my knowledge is AIM-120Bs and 9Ls, which is a substantially more powerful loadout.


We are not close to the aircraft currently. So there is nothing more to talk about for the time being. It has nothing to do with this topic.


It still isn’t even clear if the Gripen being confirmed was genuine

This question has probably never even been asked at Gaijin themselves so I doubt you’ll get a thought out concrete answer from Smin