Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

IIRC it was marketed with Skyflash’s on the A, another reason why I am confused with Gaijins choice of the C variant over the A.

Yes, because the first Gripen landed in Kecskemét in 2006. And due to a 2004 government decision, instead of the second-hand 28 JAS-39 A/B, they bought 14 JAS-39, which is the EBS Hun version. Its wings are A/B fuselage C-D version to be NATO compatible. It has a DATA Link-16 refueling system, spare fuel tank air ground weapons, AGM-65 Maverick G/H version, GBU-12, GBU-49, MK-82, MK-83, Litening III target marking container.
In 2004, 40 AIM-120C-5 surface-to-air missiles were ordered for Hungarian aircraft.
Although this year, used but refurbished AIM–9L I–1 Sidewinder missiles were purchased in an unknown quantity and total value.

Apparently the Eurofighter was also marketed with Skyflashes at first, but the radars might be flat out incompatible with Sparrows/Skyflashes

Yeah, Gaijin like to be awkward.

This in part why I think they should skip ahead. Just go, “right, we arent adding 12.3/127s to most nations, here everyone take BR13 ARH carriers and we’ll fill in that gap in the coming year”

DA2 on the typhoon thread lists Skyflash, so possible. But the radar is based upon the Blue vixen which was designed for AMRAAM

Not sure as to the technicality behind why but Skyflash is ‘unsuitable’ on eurofighter

The radars most likely lack the function to highlight targets for SARH missiles

How so ? It 's not impossible that the plan could be to introduce ARH on Gen 3 and subsonics ahead of ARH-only Gen 4 's. Something similar to the AIM-9L rollout.

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Yeah, that is precisely what I think will happen and what should happen, why I have some hope for FA2 this update not Dec. But whenever I’ve pointed out that before people link to the J8F Dev post about BVRAAM coming to all at the same time. So…

That’s my guess too and because of the Eurofighters IOC date and also price theres no poorer countries who would be interested in a CW illuminator option as they’d either buy AMRAAM or METEOR.


Can we just get Fairey swordfish with just one meteor this next update please 😂

Afaik no but only AIM-9L loadout for now would be fine I think. At least until FOX3 comes to 4th gens.

That’s 6 nations. Reasonable amount for testing of early FOX3s (possibly China too with their J-8F but I have too little information about PL-12). France and Israel are out of question currently since they either had too good FOX3 or didn’t have FOX3 capable 3rd gen fighter.

In fairness, the Meteor weighs about half as much as a mark XII torpedo.

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Pl12 I’ve heard is akin to aim120C. But yeah, precisely what I was thinking too

Maybe even AV8B to US too and something like an Su25TM with R77 for Soviets? Not sure but could certainly be done I reckon to avoid adding more ontop of what we’ve got to destroy any balance that could be created

Edit: missed the Mig-21 on that list :P

To my knowledge it lacked CW illuminator so guiding Skyflash was impossible.

Game is ready with ARH in ARB. Everyone is already hugging the deck with SARHs. ARHs aren’t gonna be super strong there. I’d think it’d be more dangerous in Sim but I don’t play it so can’t comment.

This game isn’t DCS and as such certain things those gamers have issue with, we won’t ever have to deal with. Some of us also like the modern stuff because of the tactics involved compared to subsonics or props.

If you don’t see the appeal, then I can’t really help much there. However, it’s more than just capabilities. Some of us want our favorite modern jets in the game too because they look cool. Simple as that.

At the end of the day, being overcautious isn’t helping because time and time again doomposting about advanced tech gets proven wrong because doomposters forget that there is a “Gaijinification” process from something being how it is IRL to how it will be in the game.

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I’m currently checking it out but from some Naff 3rd party sources it would appear the A variant could carry skyflash presumably with the PS-05/A Mark 1 and 2 radars.

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If gaijin follows the plan of introducing all nations to BVRAAMs/AMRAAMs at the same time Japan would have to get a F-15J first with AAM-4s also being added

Japan and France are definetly the question and maybe the problem


So what ? Introducing MR-ARH =/= adding them w/ the introduction of late 4th gens - there are options for them not to overlap.

Not sure we can say what that means yet, our solid leads for specific missiles atm are

-AIM-120A, leaked by Oliviia
-R-77, loadouts in the files for the Yak-141
-PL-12, direct statement from the devs to be introduced at the beginning of MR-ARH additions

There 's going to be a fairly wide range of weapon capabilities at the start even just based on that.