Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

maybe number of hardpoints, dont know how many grippen got

It might be

based upon Eurofighter Typhoon (EF2000) vs Saab JAS 39 Gripen (Griffin) Comparison that Deathmisser shared 10

vs the typhoon 13

But I dont know how many are AAM only or A2G only, I know Typhoon is 10? AAM hard points

Yea I would imagine the Typhoon has better since it’s like 100 Mph faster

Wouldn’t be the first time for Gaijin to not tell the truth :D
I am still hoping for the best…excluding Germany from top tier aircraft in the future can’t be an option.
We will hopefully see soon, what Gaijin is planning and doing (not just telling) in this case.

on the erly one 8 (7 can hold arnement) the E variant has 10(9 can hold Arnement)
First is A-D and last is E/F


Yea Smin said the Typhoon is too advance but as wee seen it’s a little better than the Gripen C but not by much which is coming this year

So C/D is 8 (7) then?

theoreticaly typhoon got 12 since fuel holders can be used for missles as well, if we start counting dual pylons we get to stupid numbers

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Yeah, but easy to add a cap on that. limit the Typhoon to 8-10 AAMs for balance


uppdated it with pichures but yeah

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I can see F1 being added together with other heavy fighters such as F-15, Su-27 and Rafale. I know UK desperately needs a new fighter but pushing for Typhoon only because JAS39C is confirmed isn’t justified. As I said earlier Gripen C is a light fighter, F-16 equivalent. It wouldn’t break the game if added.

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I wasn’t on about where those aircraft could or should go. Simply that if a Czechoslovak tree were added they would have these aircraft to their disposal…

Singular or even multiple vehicle additions from one nation being put into another tree is no indication as to what Gaijin plans for the future of said nation’s vehicles.
Note the Italian aircraft that used to be in the German tree eventually getting relocated to an independent Italy.
Same for Israeli aircraft and tanks.
Finland had additions in Germany and Sweden too. Hell, France even got a Finnish vehicle. In the end Gaijin formally announced that Finland was becoming a Swedish sub-tree. Until that happened there was no formality in where the country would go.

Germany absolutely does not require a sub-tree to operate, they simply require better care from Gaijin.
When things such as AMRAAMs get added, the German situation will undoubtably get better.

Don’t see where the misfortune lies, Swiss vehicles have no business going to Germany in the vast majority of cases.

@Morvran Another cool thing about that site is that they will pick the closest variants to compare with

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Yeah, but I think the key point though is that with those aircraft added, Britain and Germany would then get Typhoon next major upgrade for aircraft. We both have Gen 3s left, so that is what we’ll get first, but in 6 months? What then? There would be no reason not to add Typhoon as Gripen E, later F-15s, Su-30 etc could all be added.

There was implication with Smin “tone” that suggests no Typhoon till 2025. With few also echoing that idea

Germany literally has nothing between the F4F ICE and the Eurofighter. A Swiss F18 can be that gap filler


So long as it was F-18A/B

(I have no idea what the Swiss flew/fly, but if its later than that, might as well add Typhoon)

Plus the Mig-29 and the Typhoon are near enough a match.

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When considering how stuffed the German tree is, I don’t think that a single gap like that should be an issue.
Still, the concerns are valid and solutions should be looked into, but I don’t think implementing Swiss vehicles would be the way to go.
In my opinion Switzerland would be way better off as an independent tree and thus should have its vehicles kept to itself.

Perhaps a less “intrusive” option, to call it so, could be a Danish or Norwegian F-16.
These would make about as much sense as adding Swiss vehicles to Germany, which is basically none, but it’s safe to say neither Denmark nor Norway will ever get a tech tree and thus there won’t be anything taken away from them.
Arguments can be made to implement these aircraft into the Swedish tech tree, but considering that there is no formal statement that these nations are an extension of the Swedish tree it would be fair game for implementation.

Argentinian F-16 for Germany?