Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Wouldn’t it be fun to give a teaser first, instead of dev-blog season? Maybe you can hype dev-blog season up with it. (Just an idea :) )

the AMRAAM carrier germany will get is the F4F-ICE a just plain bad flight model for the current generation of aircraft. Germany will have the worst plane of all if britain gets a grippen variant. The german situation looks worse when everyone gets AMRAAMs added at the same time

F-4F ICE: 12.3 - 12.7.
Mig-29G 9.12: 12.3 - 12.7.
3+ Typhoon variants: 13.0 - 14.3
F-35: Unknown - 15.0.

Germany has plenty of options.


There is no reason why Britain should get a Gripen variant despite the BAe company owning a lot of Swedish companies.
Gaijin does not implement vehicles to nations with these reasonings.

that would like giving the bratley to the british just because BAe bought united defense

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Tyhoons would be at around 12.7 or 13.3.

14 is too much imho

Typhoons can carry IRIS-Ts and Meteors later, so yes 14.3 is potential.

We will now transfer half of every tree to Germany and the UK due to their vehicle manufacturers being owned by BAe and Rheinmetall.

So 13 this year easily, typhoon early next year. That’s for confirming what I’ve been saying

the ajax would also be in the us tt since it is made by gdls

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13.0 is unlikely for this year. 1 entirely new BR would be new precedent, and there’s really nothing that can be added to get to 13.0.

That is why dynamic BR would ba a very cool but hard to make idea. You play Stock lets say MIG 29 you are at 11.7 br, as you get better missiles you go higher in br (example from the back of my head)

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Then gaijin won’t get people to geagle. never going to happen.

I know :( but a man can dream

highly doubt we get a new mig 29 that essentialy only has r73 now

GEN 3 planes to GEN 4 planes is ~1 BR, so GEN 4 to GEN 5 will also be ~1. F-35 then will sit at probably 13.3 or something

I think ARH is too big of a step up to even risk gen 3 SARH at 11.3 from encountering. So all 12.3s will move to 12.7 or 13 just for the sake of anti downtier.

Low performance Gen 3s like Shar will be 12.3 at most. But might need to be 12.7. Which means 13 easily end of this year for US and USSR and then 13 for everyone else march like they did for 12s

Then people would intentionally not research certain mods to keep their BR lower.

R-73s and 27ERs.

Wrong. That’s not how BRs work, and gen 3 starts at most at 10.0 with F-4C, and there’s likely gen 3s below that BR.

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Harrier is gen 3, so 9.3 is the lowest i can think f

A simple way to go around this would be that the thing that makes you go up in br is certain upgrade or sum of upgrade, for example on the F14b lets say 7m or 5 other modules. There will be many ways to outsmart those trying to outsmart. But that is all just a madman blabbering