Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

@Morvran what is the Rb 74 ? in normal aim-9 terms

Swedish Aim-9L

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Oh sweet so the same as the Typhoons can carry


eh more likely this update, R73 normaly had its 1 exclusivity update now

Yeah that’s true, I wonder what else will get R-73/Aim-9M?

i hope for the Aim 9L(I) which essentialy is the same then 9M

Why trainer tho? SAAF used single seaters too


Yeah, dpeends if they want to spend their dev time on it just “Aim-9M is close enough for now”

meaned the 1 grippen britain owns itself, it is 1 trainer


A) Why/where would you put SA stuff in the TT

B) They were only equipped with IRIS-T/A-Darter

Ah ok

That wasn’t the point of my comment tho

It would be unique in the field of advanced military trainers. Since 1948, either Soviet fighters have been produced in accordance with the member states of the Warsaw Pact, or only advanced training and light fighters. L-29, L-39.
Since these were also used by the Soviet Union, they will probably be added to that tree and also to the German and Italian/Hungarian development tree.


So looking at the stats the Typhoon F1 is better than the Gripen but not by much though.


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As they recently got a swiss jet in their tree, there is certainly a clear indication of a possible introduction of further swiss aircraft.
And since Germany has basically nothing to provide when other nations get more advanced jets, Gaijin has to chose between killing Germany in terms of top tier, or introducing at least one sub-tree.
The best option for Gaijin (and us players) should be ovious.

Not entirely true unfortunately


Ah, fair enough

Yeah, only thing missing is turn rate and acceleration/TWR

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I don’t think that is a issue at top tier lol