Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

and few pilots

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Though it would probably almost exclusively be from the soviets perspective in WW2 and some cold war theoretical combat from their perspective as well


Neat ! *New decal

So soon ?

We don’t know that yet. And even w/ what we know now, a " subtree " can consist of multiple " nations " - Sweden 's subtree is Finland, Norway and Denmark all at once.

Argentina is a subtree of Germany already.

imo that will likely go to France, they’d fill a capability gap( F&F ATGM ) in the techtree there.

Never happened, they got fooled by a redditors meme.

How so ?

We do lmao, that 's what the Dynamic Campaign is

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There is a difference between “sub tree” and a german export vehicle that Argentina bought and modified going to germany. is Swiss a German Sub tree? Is Canada and Australia a British Sub Tree?


please stop saying “ritually”

It 's a subtree not bc of what they’ve already had added, but bc of the plans they’ve stated for the nation going forwards - all Argentine vehicles are to be implemented into the DE line ( example, example, best example )

No, they’ve specifically said that the Hunter F.58 was a one-off addition to fill a capability gap - we don’t have any indications on where further Swiss vehicles will be implemented( though we do have evidence more will be implemented, CHE had a folder made for it 's assets in the files just like full TT 's do despite only having one vehicle at present, and into it was added the AIM-9N the F.58 doesn’t have access to ).

Why is it ritually annoying ? :P

Sorry I had to m8

it’s horribly misused

Mysto_, we know that you want Jugoslavian vehicles to in-game, but rn it is nearly imbossiple.
And this is not right place to cry that.

Swiss Hunter went to Germany because they needed it.
M1A1 AIM went to USA because it was getting an AIM regardless due to it being in service with USA.
Canadian C2A1 went Germany because that’s where they decided it goes.
Canada, Australia, and Switzerland are not sub-trees.
Everything is consistent in the world of no sub trees.

Also they gave Britain an Indian MBT, just as Leopard 1A5NO went to Sweden.

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But it did not need to be Specifically the Australian Variant

So did Britain, they still could do with a better CAS for that BR bracket and we also need a decent actually playable Hunter that we’ve been asking for for a very long time.

Right, but absolutely no rules against a future Leo coming to Britain, it was an arbitary decision

this was without a doubt the biggest mistake in WTs history. Not only does Britain not need any further MBTs especially at that BR. But it does not fit with the rest of the TT in anyway and is generally a pretty poor side grade to the MBTs at the same BR. India should never have gone to Britain as both Geo-politcally and militarily they are more closely tied to the soviets. It’s like putting North Korea with Japan because they are geo-graphically close together. It would make no sense

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Disagree about the Bhishma. Complements my 10.3 line up brilliantly. My go to tank at that BR now.

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But would you have taken a British, Canadian or Australian IFV or Light tank more?

I dont really touch GRB much these days, but personally I feel that adding a 6th MBT instead of adding at least 1 IFV or Light tank at that BR and maybe an actually usable SPAA would have been a lot better. Not too mention actually fixing glaring issues with most CR1s. Its a shame that instead of addressing the issues with the British TT they just slapped a Soviet tank into it and moved on without looking back.


Australia has 99% of there tanks in britain and aircraft like I’ve if the Aim is in the US because it US made then why not give them they Wirraway

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Yeah. I get maybe not making them a full sub-tree. But They could have picked any number of other nations for the SQV slot that would have been markably better pick than India, who Britain doesnt really have any relations with anymore outside of being a commonwealth memeber and even that I think is a bit shakey at times and again, could have and should have been anything other than an MBT.


Mhm even though SA brought the light tanks I still would of preferred the armour the Australian tanks brought

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They should have added domestic indian vehicles instead of a near copy paste vehicle

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Britain has Jaguar GR1A.
Since Britain has no 9.3 - <10.3 lineup [that’s more than 2 good tanks].

So the jaguar Gr1A is a good CAS for the 9.3-9.7 bracket even though its 10.3? Doesnt that uptier than line up a little?

You guess gajin might consider GPS guidance Air-to-Ground munitions from 4 countries (china, Italy, Israel & USA) and 3rd generation targeting pod for F-16C Block 50 & MiG-29SMT (9-19) in next major update ? 🤔