Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Wouldn’t surprise me. But was more hoping for an actual Gen 4 aircraft for Britain, we still only have Gen 3s. Our highest A2A jet is 11.3 and our highest A2G jet is 11.7. We have nothing that even comes close to any 12.0 in game and certainly nothing that can compete with 12.3s.

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Whatever is missing from the game is interesting for the simulator players.
IFIS “Integrated Command and Information System” was never integrated into the game.
This was first used on tanks and later on NATO aircraft and also has many other names.

Personally, I think GPS guidance Air-to-Ground munitions for aircraft 11.7, 12.3 & higher 12.3

You guess this quarter new fighter aircraft toptier rank 8 from UK tech tree maybe interceptor or Multirole fighter aircraft ?

It does depend on the value of GPS guided over laser guided. Laser is better vs moving targets. But could come. I think we’ll see some next gen A2G stuff come sooner rather than later. Hoping for Brimstone sometime next year, but maybe where things like enhanced-paveways are the only A2G option then they could certainly be added. Though whether theyd have functional “GPS” targetting is another question all together.

we have been told that Britain and Sweden are getting a top tier fighter. But that was the Tornado F3 last time and that wasnt exactly even close to top tier. I’d love for the Typhoon, but that is probably unlikely for this year (but maybe early next year), unless the last 4 years of suffering has earnt us that boon. But more likely im expecting the Sea Harrier FA2 with AMRAAM this year, hopefully this month

I might hope gajin consider new AGM-65 replace AGM-65D & add 2nd AGM-65, and Litening II might replace by AN/AAQ-28(V)3 Litening ER (Extended Range) or Litening AT that’s 3rd generation targeting pod for F-16C Block 50 but currently MiG-29SMT (9-19) missing 3rd generation targeting pod

Gripen C with PS-05/A mk.3 radar equipped Litening III very good targeting pod, and I quite believe good CAS & ground attack in ground RB & ground SB

AV-8B plus from Marina Militare could get JDAM in the future

From what I understand, and this was discussed over in the Harrier Gr7 thread. But AGM-65D is probably actually the best AGM-65 for the game currently. Other variants and types are dfifferent seekers or warhead types which make or may not actually be all that useful in WT currently. So not necessarily any upgrade there.

Gen 3 optics would be good. Hoping for Sniper Pods to eventually come to the Harrier Gr7 or to the Harrier Gr9 if/when that is added. But I am hestitant to say the F-16C or the Mig-29SMT need any form of buff. Lets let other nations catch up a bit first. Few can compete with them currently

a new guidance system for davanced SAMs like the Stormer HMV. it’s flight pattern is that of a proxy missile, making it very hard to use against fast movers.

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Well, gps weapons in game would work identical to what you can do right now with laser munition when you do not move your marker or tv guided munition when you aim them onto a spot on the ground. So nothing game breaking, even interesting. Unless you would be able to snap them to the friendly drone marker/squad marker/map ping. Then it will be interesting in any form.

would ground radars like from the tornado make it work like constantly guided armament just without triggering LWS?

Agm65e/f would be cool for hitting pillboxes and light vics since it should be able to overpressure. The laser guided mavs would be cool to see as well since they’d be a rough as30l equivalent.

Im not sure the radar could be used to designate a GPS coordinate and probably not guide a bomb onto a moving target. It should be possible to identify a target (maybe not necessarily a vehicle, but certain a specific location on the map) create a CCRP target point via the radar and then lob bombs at that location.

It may be usable to queue a targetting pod onto a target via the radar though, if its moving.

No such thing as too many loadout options

  1. There is no reason to believe that it is even so much as unlikely, actually, and 2. I am not crying, and I explaining to someone why he is wrong.

I agree with you previous comment like I’ve said if Israel and Sweden can have trees Yugoslavia does disserve one too


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For me It’s not the modern stuff nor medium tanks from the majors it’s there own and modified stuff.




The Wirbel-Stuart would indeed be interesting. The PaK 40 Stuart is what I’d like to play. Having that much firepower on a very small and mobile chassis like the Stuart would be a good time.


I think they are talking about a ground one. not just the air one that is in the game.

Yea, Btw is this a tank with just rockets ?


someone’s got a fake leak list to annoy a friend? preferably including something way too op for the game

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