Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

They havent touched the Puma in almost a year and a half, excluding BR raises. I dont think they’ll update it, and Lynx has a model ready for a new flag and some minor changes to be made to be put into the German TT


Then you should say KF platform instead of KF-41.

Nah, Germany doesn’t need a Hungarian vehicle that SPIKE PUMA’s better than.


The KF41 is the final pre-production version of the Lynx, which was then modified further for Hungary. Calling it the KF41 is not incorrect.

40 years* 3 years more than NATO and AXIS combined. Hungary to USSR when!?!?!

What do you mean by this?

I love how he is forgetting Italian tanks and aircraft.

Hungary has nothing to do with italy right ?
So who made these aircraft then ?

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Ngl I hope gaijin add these two


As the P.11c would be a good gate way into Poland.

They have already confirmed the Puma is getting Spikes at some point

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Oxy said that it’d be added as a separate vehicle.

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New update, new RR thread and everyone’s back on the German KF41 thing.

Ah yes “some point”, Cant wait for that to be in 3 years and for that Puma to also be a buggy POS as well.

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“Muh 3 years!”
Dude, PSO was added within a year of every tech tree having an 11.7, and Germany’s getting a at least one more Leopard 2 this year.

My guess it would be that 2A7 as BvvD said something inthe AP dev stream.

Would be funny if Hungary and Finland got there at the same time


Hungary uses the Leopard 2A7HU, not the 2A7, and Finland doesn’t use the 2A7, only the 2A6NL already in game.


2A7HU is a 2A7, specifically a 2A7+.
You’re correct on Finland tho.
To be fair, Strv 122s can receive DM53 & be moved to 12.0 when 2A7+s arrive alongside rank 8 which will also see at least 11.7s move into.

Why should it? slpprj m/95 is its historical service shell and more than enough even for 12.0.

The 2A7+ has a number of upgrades over the standard 2A7.

2A7+ has more armor coverage than Strv 122 and will be firing DM53 out of their L/55s. ~80mm more pen at 60 degrees.
Then there’s T-90M which ends the turret weakspot of BVM.
Other tanks are also potentials.
We might even see ammo beyond DM53 for 12.0, or we might go to 12.3 for these new tanks. Time will tell.

On top of that, having anything above about 560-580mm of pen offers diminishing returns at best, so having DM53 won’t buff it in any meaningful way, just as adding DM53 to the C1’s didn’t buff them much.

Sweden has had 300+mm more KE worth of armor than Germany for 3 years… but somehow now that Germany is about to get similar protection levels, a 50mm of penetration difference becomes an issue?