Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I also came here for this. Event vehicles? Maybe today? Crafting event starts on a Wednesday around the 20th of Sep the past three years I believe.
Would love anything Dutch. Preferably a unique aircraft like the Fokker G1 but would take anything copy paste too with a Dutch skin. Even tanks or ships, anything really would be fine.
A Belgian CF-100 would be epic too.

Exactly. It won’t buff it in any meaningful way, yet it takes yet more historical accuracy and realism away.

Sweden has used DM33 until late? 2022. Then it was upgraded to m/95, which has similar pen as DM43 being fired out of L/55; and a rather identical pen to L27A1 fired out of Challenger 2.
Germany isn’t about to get just similar protection levels unless you want the German 2A7+ to be firing DM43 instead of DM53.
It’s keeping the same round as well as having full side protection.

If DM53 wouldn’t buff it in any way why doesn’t Strv 122s use DM53 in War Thunder then?
Clearly the round choice with protection matters.

It doesn’t use it because there’s no reason to add it.

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Doesn’t matter, they can fire it.
Arietes don’t use DM53 IRL, but they can so they use it in War Thunder.
When stuff like SHARD is added, it’ll likely be given to every 120mm gun they want at that BR cause they can fire it.

Then DM43 can be on Leopard 2A7+ for equality.

m/95 is a M829A1 and M322 equivalent, simply put.

France has a worse shell on significantly worse armored tanks, and Britain has an even worse shell on worse armored tanks which also happen to be the slowest in the game.

I think m/95 is sufficient for what will remain as one of the strongest tank in the game, even once counterparts for it begin coming.

If DM53 wouldn’t buff it in any way why doesn’t Strv 122s use DM53 in War Thunder then?
Clearly the round choice with protection matters.

Because it’s completely uneccesary and unhistorical? Arietes only got it because they were outclassed in every single way imaginable, so it was half-justified. But Strv 122s?

It very much does matter; if it didn’t, then they’d have it already.

The only thing that matters is balancing. The reason DM53 isn’t on Strv 122 is cause it’d need to be 12.0 instead of 11.7.

I give up.

The reason it doesn’t have it is because it would perform the same with it, and thus there is no reason for its addition.

Or maybe because not only it doesn’t need it AT ALL, but also because SWEDEN DOES NOT OPERATE IT?


the only reason STRV 122 dosent have DM53 is cuz it dosent use it irl

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If we’re actually trying to use this thread as intended, the evidence we have regarding possible options for Rank 8 Ground in the Swedish techtree is mostly the Strv 122+ discovered in the leaks ( )

You’ll recognize several other vehicles in that same leak, which were implemented today.

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No, Russia never use 2S38, only 2 was made until 2020. And all of them just technology demonstrator.

Well this is weird…


At some point, vehicles using NATO standard 120x570 will need to be given compatible ammunition to be balanced with everyone else.
The point of that standardization is so countries can load compatible ammunition rather than having to wait for their own supplies to arrive after all.

The thing here is that italy started standarizing their cannons meanwhile sweden hasnt done that yet and hence why they havent bought any DM53 nor DM63, not only that italy had suggested using DM53 for the Ariete amv, Even saying it could be produced under license

It’s already standardized; it’s a Leopard 2… m/95 is just a domestically produced M322 round.
Abrams can fire DM73, and it’ll likely be firing DM63 in Poland from time to time.

Not sure about Thailand but for Iraq it could be their domestic T-72 version Lion of Babylon or just a variant for a premium. Or maybe premium/special cosmetics?

the abrams cant fire DM73 in the first place that’s why the L55A1 was built, it was for firing DM73 specifically and to handle more pressure, and the fact that some ammo its standarized to CERTAIN cannons dosent mean they all buy them and then can inmediately put it on their tanks just because they have a 120MM and as far as im aware sweden hasnt bought any DM53 neither DM63

Sweden may not be fully using NATO standards yet, but they may start in coming years as their own domestic stocks are depleted and need to be replaced.