Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

It’s Oprah time. You get a fighter, and you get a fighter, and everybody gets a fighter.

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For the inattentive, we are talking about ground transport, open your eyes another time

I am all for the next set of fighters, just saying that hopefully the focus for the next patch is on the above two nations if they plan to split up the additions between the next two updates.

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The GDR had everything that Hungary had 45-91. It would not be a problem to introduce Hungarian camouflage on GDR equipment. 1941-1945 and 1992 to our time, all this equipment would be in the branch legally.

Conveniently forgetting they were in the same faction in WW2 and in NATO and in the same Union


Germany wouldn’t need its Kf-41 10.7? Or an additional rep to the only 10.3 in Germany 2A4 (Another 1 2A4, like the Swedes 2A4 and Strv 121)? Hungarian low ranks would complement the setups of Pz4 and the like. It would be possible to give the German Tiger 1, Panther to the German tree to complement the setups.

As long as on Christmas Eve night, into New Years Eve I can be playing my Su-27 like a kid who just got his long-awaited Christmas present, then fine, let the minor nations on first if need be.

@Morvran Begun the Hungary German TT debate has.

Italy offered to become the AXIS countries according to you, or Germany started everything and was the main boss in this union. Helping poor Italy, Hungary and all the allies with weapons.

Good job, just 26750 ish more posts to go to beat last time.

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Ok but half the Hungarian tree is pre 1945 and there are a decent number of unique Hungarian vehicles in there

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So can I take that silence as a win then ?

I think its an easier argument than that. Hungary could easily be added to either Germany, Italy or Soviets for one reason or another. Out of the 3, Italy is the one that didnt already have a 5th ground tree line and is the only one without reasonable sub trees from other nations (I think, maybe greece?)

Soviets have a number of Warsaw pact nations, but like the US, has a huge roster of native vehicles.
Germany has several European nations, a decent native roster and is likely getting switzerland vehicles.


The Kf-41, like Hungary, should not have been in Italy. It was necessary not to add a subtree or to introduce Kf-41 Hungarian to Germany for 1 patch before Hungary and give Italy a subtree in the Next place and give it there. Then no one would complain about exclusivity, which should not have been allowed.

It looks to be a German vehicle to me.


Im not going to get into that argument… I have no personal stake in it as I dont really play either nation. But…

Should it have come to both? Probably
Will it come to both? Probably

But what is done is done. Just be grateful Germany has a, by all acounts, a good IFV that is likely getting better soon and another that could be relatively easily added in the near future. Britain meanwhile…

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Ermm no It’s in Hungarian service so it goes into Hungary.

Like how hard is that to understand ?

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As I have stated previously, I am not saying that the version made for Hungary should go to the German tree; I am saying that a pre-production model that is exclusively German should go to the German tree.

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Probably should have been added to both, but I reckon German KF41 will be added as a premium this year, but 10.7 is a little too high at this exact moment for a ground premium I think

But then would Germany need that ?

The PUMA can be updated and upgraded so Germany won’t need the Lynx

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And the KF41 is infinitely cooler. Also, it was stated that the Puma w/ Spikes would be a separate vehicle.