Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Puma with spike

Starting w/ these:

( Unused assets in War Thunder )

Strela-3 was almost implemented to the Pr.12412P in update " Sky Guardians ", but the missile did not exist at the time of devserver - it had used HN-6 as placeholder

However, a naval Strela-2 was added to the Germany section of the files during that time, along w/ textures for associated launcher

9M330 is an early-model of the Tor SAM, in naval use it equipped large soviet surface combatants of the mid/late eighties, incl. the currently ingame Pr.1143.4 Baku - though that ship does not currently have the weapon 's launchers modelled. Instead, she has the launch tubes for the magnitudes-more-powerful P-500 already prepped on the model

W/ this new discovery, maybe it 's safe to start discussing VLS in relation to WT NF now.

Asked this myself. The years before it never was a problem. Just add 1 + 1 together:

The German Lynx giveaway.

The “new” Leopard 2 prototype as top of the line addion, despite worse than the A5 version from 4 years ago. Now I need to grind 2x 400.000 RP for mods + the vehicle itself, which should have been added 3-4 years ago as 2A5 sidegrade/downgrade.

Not a single German plane got a ECCM’ed IR missile with the last patch. No R-73 and no Aim-9M equivalent.

F-4F ICE still not ingame, despite F-15 and Su-27 knocking on the door…when is it supposed to get rolled out? When its totally obsolete vs. F-15 and stuff? Considering how late the other F-4F was added, I fear the worst.

Massive nerf of AA systems Roland III and VT-1, which leave Ger almost without air defense at top tier.

Puma still no Eurospike.

[…] endless list imho.

Question is why they do all this? Too many Ger players and they want to make it less attractive? Now they “forgot” the Unity Day. They never do Pages of History for Ger. They seem to have issues with Ger, lol.


funnily we still are missing the Puma decal as well that was datamined, they completly forgot germanys armed force day event

Yet again this shows how much gajin cares about germany


We have not forgotten anything: German Unity Day: Vehicles for GE and a Decal to celebrate!

Please have a little patience before the day is even done before jumping to conclusions.


might u be able to tell us what happend to the german Armed Forces Day Decal, i already posted, because that realy seems to have been forgotten and the event never happend in the end

I mean he is a Ultra German main so yea lmao

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Gaijin has said they have been working on a Japan SPAA for a few patches now.
I think there are only a few answers for that

  1. They were lying, since it has been multiple patches you’d think they would have figured it out
  2. They are working on an SPAA that uses a deployed radar/a new SPAA system that isn’t currently in game
  3. They are going to fill the gap with a sub-tree that isn’t/wasn’t ready

Personally I’d lean towards №1 and then №3

nah they realy need a few patches, look at the PSO, that mostly was reused assests and was in the cdk files for 2 updates before it got released

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Maybe I should have had. I just logged in 2pm local time and there wasn’t anything up.

Nothing was forgotten. Simply we plan many events and try and cover all bases for all nations and players.

Unfortunately due to schedules and overlap, not all of these events can always come off. But that does not mean the decals can’t / won’t be available in the future maybe.

There are many unreleased decals in the game from events and other periods. This is but one example. There is always the potential that they could resurface in the future. But if it wasn’t for the fact they are datamined, it wouldn’t have even been in discussions here.


This is working on the assumption all vehciles take the same amount of time to research, model and develop. Which they very much do not.

From the point at which you first see a vehcile in a Dev blog or Dev server, it could already have had 6-12 months of work and in some cases (for vehciles with subjectively harder to find information / sources) even more.

Naturally some popular and well documented vehciles with a plethora of images and info available from multiple sources can be done more quickly than others. But the fact is some vehciles can simply take more than “a few patches” until they reach the final stages.


I really want you ask a question to you Smin but I think I’ve asked you too many times


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I just 100% don’t believe this is true. Particularly for minor nations. I’ve played French vehicles after release and they are generally both inaccurate and bugged/not working.

Takes dozens of reports to get them competitive if they reports are even addressed at all.

If you guys are working on these broken models for a year before releasing only to have to be corrected by report after report… yikes xD.

Also this doesn’t ever seem to be a problem for RU/USA

That’s generally because information on almost all of their machines are well documented and well known / accessable. This case is not at all the same for all nations.

Bugs can indeed still occur post release. We will always endeavour to resolve, fix and improve that. But those vehciles models and research can still take a significant amount of time and modeling.

In your original response spesifcally about Japanese SPAA for example, the situation there is nowhere near the same as for example an American or Russian SPAA in the information and resources area. They simply can’t be compared.


french vehicles got other kind of problems like literaly not having light tanks, the only one being a premium and no tech tree equivalent being added at all

As an extension to this, Any word on whether or not the devs have finished the Flight model for the Tornados? Been 10 months now and it still isnt finished, still has placeholder values

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on that matter anything new about the Gepard1A2 stinger bug? it is 9months now since release and it still cant use its proxy stingers. A mayor bug that realy should get addressed for once. A lot of stuff gets fixed fast after release but the Gepard1A2 seems to get complety ignored

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The only significant remaining correction reported is the slat deployment in certain wing configurations. This currently isn’t possible due to a code limiation. A workaround fix that simulates improvement was already deployed some time ago and whenever the situation with the slats can fully be resolved, the difference will be negligible at best to it’s overall performance compared to the current FM.

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