Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I thought I just posted it ? Thanks I guess.

There 's some things on it now which weren’t on the old forum 's version, which I’ll be discussing when it 's no longer 0125 in the morning.

Oh wow, i should have not went to sleep, i missed all the talking.

The JA37C is 11.0 and doesn’t have all aspect missiles.

List of 11.0s with rear-aspect only missiles: Viggen C, F-4E, F-4EJ, J-7E, J-8B, F-104S.
And all are fine with rear-aspect only IR missiles for 11.0.
All-aspects would make them better aircraft.

oh, didnt see it, sorry


and it really doesn’t do well without them

took it out yesterday to see how useful it is now and honestly I prefere a Mirage F1 over it

With the very common downtiers that 11.0 gets, I cannot imagine it being any worst that above average.

bru why would you post the old rank 0 tree

Because I can : )

Plus it’s more nicer looking than the web one.
More easier to understand the aircraft

imo the ground tree is more interesting than the air tree
rank 1-3 is completely unique but at rank 5+ the most unique things would be a Belgian modded alpha jet, Dutch ground attack version of the F-5, the cursed Belgian F-16 with Magic 2s and AS-30Ls and the Mirage 5BA with canards and AIM-9s. And the Fokker S.14 ofc (ig the CF-100 too but it’s canadian)

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Tbh if a modded aircraft changes the play style then I say that is unique in its own way.

well even the normal NF-5 (Dutch F-5) had special flaps that increased instantaneous turning rate by 50% so yeah it could be worse, but there’s not many nations left with indigenous fighter jets not in game

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The KF41 was denied with the statement initialy that it wasnt in the service of the german army, as a result all german export models coudl be hit by this in the feature like kf51, lynx 120, as the most prominent ones right now

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Modded vehicles can be pretty cool. Unless a tree consists of 20 modified versions of a certain US tank, then it gets a bit boring.

However even as a dutch person. If they add the benelux tree they better add some really cool rank VII premiums. So I can just skip most of the tree and all the C&P again like I did with Israel.

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a premium such as this? 👉👈


I also think they are not in the need of new things. 16C and 29SMT are currently top dogs ( so they continue legacy fo their predecessors) and ground wise they are also at the top. But both US and USSR will get new things. They are 2 most played nations, so they need new things.

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Yea but for some people disagree with that by a childish means rather than chatting

So who’s the next nation to gain Spikes, God i hopes its israel

where is german unity day mini event?
i need decal and two rare prems, Pz.Sfl.Ic & Sea Hawk