Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Any new updates to an issue would be updated into the live report response.

New information indicates that actually its quite badly wrong and if that is the case, we need a new placeholder FM. As its underperforming badly. And you know, if we have to use an 11.3 vs 12.3s for the next year, can it at least be finished

Know what screw it since everyone is asking their questions.

"Since Hungary is now part of the game is here a chance for a new nation ?
As the road map teased for one.
Currently, War Thunder features 10 playable nations,
and we have no intentions of stopping there! However,
as we introduce new nations, "


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just sad to see a game breaking bug like this not getting any progress for fixing Community Bug Reporting System
makes a whole modification not useable and reduces the strength of the vehicle by a good bit


Q. Japan is one of the nations that lacks top-tier SAM and close support aircraft. Any plans to fill these gaps with domestic vehicles, or by adding any kind of a subtree, say, South Korean?

From Feb. 2023

7 months. So I was being generous with my timeline assuming this is the first time the issue was addressed(which it isn’t)

The new information has already been answered by Gunjob. It’s not going to lead to any serious or majorly noticeable FM performance over the current iteration. Once the slats are corrected then it will be finally tuned. But again, it will not have any major significant performance increases.

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Once again, it’s never been said anywhere that every vehcile takes just 6 months to fully research, create and develop.

This is very much an incorrect assumption that every vehcile takes the same period of time or always just that little time.


In that case, back to playing the FRS1 for the next year then. till the Typhoon. Any word on when its cockpit HUD is getting finished btw?

My spider sensors are tinkling ! /s

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Aircraft HUDs are constantly being tuned and improved over time. This report is still very new.


The funny part was it got released 5 days before the “german armed forces day” but no event. It was clearly intended to go along that day (especially becauce today and the armed forces day in june are the only 2 days Germany has which have events in wt)


Sorry lad, it’s still significantly underperforming at low speeds. So what’s the call?

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Sorry for hijacking the topic but, speaking of decals. Can you guys at least rerun the old monthly authentic decals? We still don’t know the reason they stopped but even if we aren’t getting any new ones another chance to get the old ones would be nice. @Smin1080p

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F.3 is underperforming by about 1G at low speeds.

Again 1G isn’t going to massively change how you play the F.3, you might on the odd occasion snap a win from someone but largely if you are low and slow, you’re already dead.

The FM isn’t final and will be tuned one the slats code work is done and dusted. I understand that’s been a long wait at this point for all Tornado enthusiasts but if you’re going to lean on its turning performance getting dramatically better 1G isn’t going to help with that.

I want it as correct as it can possibly be as the next person but even with the corrected FM I will not be changing my play style.



At the moment we don’t plan to re-run them. But we don’t rule out that some of the decals may come back at some point.

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When all you have is an 11.3 Gen 3 aircraft to fight 12.3 Gen 4+ aircraft, every little drop of performance you can squeeze out of the aircraft helps. Sea Harrier FA2 might be good, but is still likely going to be the weakest Fox 3 carrier in the game and until we get Typhoon, thats not changing. It would be good for what we’ve got, to be as good as it can be

Sure, you might just eek out a win and its frustrating to know it might have been possible with that extra 1G~ but still this isn’t the play style you should be leaning on with the Tornado.

Hell, when its done and if it magically changes how the F.3 and other Tornado’s perform I’ll gladly eat my words and admit I was wrong but I cannot see it making a marked impact on how the Tornado is best played.

What I’m trying to do is set expectations, when people see the words “massively under performing” they think of multiple G’s lost, and piss poor turn rate. But its just not going to be the case and will setup people for disappointment when they try to rate fight an F-16/MIG-29 and come to the forum to tell us how it was supposed to massively improve.

I know the F3 is never going to win outside of a BVR joust against anything other than in battles vs low performance striker aircraft. But that extra G might give me what I need to mean that when I innevitably get a Mig-29 on my tail, im not dead instantly. I might be able to actually break hard enough to evade an R-60M, not too mention R-73.

Tornado F3 was DOA on arrival, that was innevitable when they thrusted an 11.3 interceptor into battle vs 12s and now 12.3s air-superiority fighters. Its proof the BR system actually works. Just would be nice if they put some effort into finishing them. Not just the low flight performance on the F3, but also its missing features and the dozen or so missing features on the Gr1 and the bugs that plague both aircraft. That could be a really fun jet, if it wasnt missing half its loadout/kit.

It’s underperforming by 63.5% in turn rate at M0.3…