Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Aren’t they going for the 2A7 or 2A8 instead of further upgrading the Ariete?

EDIT: nvm I just read about the deal in august.

They haven’t put in any orders for a Leopard 2 to my knowledge, and are rather considering it, with the Ariete upgrade programs that have gone on for over a decade at this point with the AMV being the final result being a stopgap until they get something better.

Italy already purchased Leo 2A8, and remain the upgrade plan for ariete.

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Interesting. I was unaware of that.
EDIT: The only thing I could find on Italy buying Leopard 2s is that they are considering buying either 2A7s or 8s, not that they have already been bought.


Where is this screenshot from?

Still strange how such a upgrade as the AMV warrants C2. Like if they went from the 2A6 to 2A7 and named it to Leopard 3.

Or from M1A2 SEPv2 to SEPv3 and name that M1A3.

It’s quite a large upgrade, actually, and is more akin to going from the M1A1 to the M1A2.

Do you mind telling me whom this Tobias Heimbach is and what connection to KNDS he has? If it’s not from the company or government of the nation buying directly, then I prefer to stay skeptical.

anyone know when is the new br update?

Nothing mystical about it:

They haven’t purchased yet, there are only plans to do it iirc.

Gaijin employees do.

Last time I heard it was an upgraded engine, optics, ability to carry both the WAR and PSO kits at once and electronics stuff.

Have they decided to make more upgrades?

That’s true, but realistically these tanks can only do so much for Italy, and won’t really stand up well when Nations like Russia and the US get even more advanced tanks than they already have.

I already created such theme:)


To my knowledge, those plus better thermals are the upgrades that would have an effect in game, and they are quite large, especially being able to carry both the WAR and PSO kits at the same time.

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About Ariete C2